Chapter 5: Massacre

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I pushed hard with my left hand, breaking his arm at the elbow. Darting my right hand to the medical instrument tray. I grabbed the nearest pointed tool, fixed it in a downward hand position, and rammed it into the side of the doctor's throat. Blood spurted out like a water fountain. I pulled it out of his neck and kicked him away from me. He scooted to the corner. Reaching to the wall, he pressed the 'call nurse' button several times. I jumped from the bed and approached him. I crouched down in front of him. "If you had just left me there to die, this wouldn't have happened. You need to know when to let someone go, doc," I said. I dropped the scalpel on the floor in front of him. "Three options... One: you pick it up, and you ram that damn thing so far into my skull that I couldn't possibly come back. Two: you pick it up and destroy your own brain so you do not come back as a living corpse. Three: you bleed out in the next thirty seconds. Your choice," I said. He sat in the corner, bleeding heavily. He gave me the same look I gave him moments ago, except, I wanted to die, he did not. He picked up the scalpel and stood, facing me. He held its blade facing upwards. He approached me, staggering slightly. I kicked his arm hard and upwards. The blade was lodged into the other side of his throat, opening a second spurt of blood leading from his neck. I rushed him, ripping it out again. I grabbed him by the scruff of his coat, pulling him very close. "Wrong choice asshole," I said in his ear. I rammed the scalpel into his temple. His body slid gently down the wall, coming to rest on the floor. A steady pool of blood forming around his lifeless body. I noticed that I had been stripped of all of my gear, but still was wearing my clothes. My filthy shirt, pants, and boots still remained on my body. I realized I wasn't completely unarmed. I reached down to my right boot, drawing the pistol they had failed to discover when stripping me for weapons. I walked to the door of my room and breached it. I was confronted by six heavily armed individuals guarding my room. Two of them had sub-machine guns. The other four had handguns. One of the men had my maul tucked in one of his belt loops by his side. "Drop your weapon!" they shouted. I hung it loosely from one finger, still within the trigger guard. The hammer was cocked back, meaning all I needed to do was tap the trigger lightly and the weapon would discharge. "On the ground!" one of them shouted. I got onto my knees. One approached me and took my left arm, preparing to bind my wrists. I braced my thumb on the back of the revolver, applying pressure, causing the weapon to discharge. It struck one of the men to my left, as that was the direction the muzzle was pointed. His gun discharged upon impact, striking the man attempting to bind my arms. I grabbed hold of him as he fell and contracted my body behind his. The other four men opened fire with their pistol calibered weaponry. The rounds fired from his companion's weapons chewed up his body, but did not pass through into me. I aimed my pistol, firing again, hitting another one of the men. I tucked the revolver back into my boot with four live shots remaining. The man I was using as a shield had a handgun laying by his side. I grabbed it and opened fire on the remaining three, dropping all of them. After the gunfire stopped, I stood and surveyed the lifeless fighters around me. I grabbed what I could of their weaponry. I picked up a handgun, a sub-machine gun, and my maul. I needed to find my own gear, but first I wanted to find every last surgeon who brought me back...

I had the one handgun in my pocket,  the revolver in my boot, the sub-machine gun in my left hand, and the maul dangling from my right. I walked through the corridors with quick paced motivation. Occasionally an armed man or two would burst out of a room, yelling at me to surrender. I don't think they understand that the term 'surrender' doesn't exist to a man wielding a machine gun and an axe. Depending on which side they would appear from, I would raise my left arm, and open fire, or dash to the right, swinging the maul with force.. The left side seemed to have more fighters. The gun on the left side ran out of ammo so I threw it to the floor and switched the maul in both hands. I was reaching a corner. Before I got to it, a man with a pistol rounded the corner, a gun pointed at me. "Drop your-" but I acted first. I struck him in the chest with my foot. In his stunned state, I leaned back, raising the maul over my head. I brought it down with so much force that it split his bones all the way down to his sternum. He crumpled to the floor. I kicked the pistol away from him. around the corner was a set of stairs. I climbed them, two steps at a time. Reaching the top, I was met with more than a dozen gun barrels pointed in my direction. I stepped to the side. A railing was to my back and the staircase from which I came, to my right. A lone surgeon stood behind all of the armed individuals. "Why are you hurting those who saved your life?" she asked me. "Because I know what you're doing here," I said. "And that is?" she asked. "You 'save' people, and then force them to work for you. You're likely the ones that hurt them too," I said. "Our patients feel entitled to us, and join the community. They work for us with their own free will," she said. "Bullshit," I said. "It's the truth," she said. "How many surgeons operated on me?" I asked. "Three," she said. That meant it was her, the one I already put down, and one other. "Put down the axe and we can resolve this like human beings," she said. I placed the maul on the ground and kicked it underneath the railing behind me. It fell down to the lower floor with a clank and a thud.  "One thing," I said. "What's that?" she asked. "I only needed to know how many of you there were," I said. "The hell does that mean?" she asked. "This," I said. With that I slid to my right. Every armed person fired simultaneously at the spot I previously occupied. I dropped to a kneeling position, allowing me to draw the concealed revolver from my boot. I aimed and fired, striking the doctor in the head. I tucked into a ball and rolled backwards down the stairs. Reaching the bottom I clambered to a standing position, firing two shots up the staircase to deter anyone from trying to shoot after me. I rushed down the remaining stairs which rounded the corner. I picked up the maul as I ran. One bullet left. One confirmed target...

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