Chapter 20: Chaos

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The next day came swiftly. I emerged from my temporary housing area to address the people. I was fully geared up in my weaponry and armor. I had packed my things the night before. John and Juggernaut were having a conversation over their breakfast of canned foods. "Hey, can you two help me rally the people together?" I asked. "Sure thing," John said. "I finish eating first," Juggernaut said. He tipped his head back, dumping the rest of the contents of the can into his open mouth. "Done," he said, muffled through a mouthful of food. I smiled slightly and shook my head. We split off from each other and walked through different sections of the town. Every person I saw I told them to go to the abandoned machine gunner's nest in the center of the town. There were many people I did not know, but I made sure to check up on some of the people I rarely talked to. The two marksmen Wolf and Will were standing together talking. I came over to them. "Hey you two," I said. "Heya Grim," Wolf said. Will glared at me. "I really appreciate you two standing by my side through all of this so far," I said. "Do I really have a choice? You'd just kill me anyway," Will said with a bitter tone. "Give me a reason to, and I will," I said sharply. He shot me another nasty look and began to walk off. "Head to the center of town. I'm rallying the people before we strike," I said. He didn't respond, but changed his direction to head that way. I continued my sweep of the area. J and Abby were sitting together having a chat. "Mind if I interrupt?" I asked. "Not at all. What's up Grim?" Abby asked. "I'm having a meeting with all of the people. I know you two aren't exactly warriors but I think you should be there so you'll know what's going on," I said. "Okay. Thank you for the notice," Abby said. They went back to their conversation. It seemed serious. I didn't bother them again and let them finish talking. I was heading to the center of the town to meet with everyone who was rallied there. On my way, I passed a semi-familiar house. Dom was standing outside of it. At the window was a horribly maimed living corpse of a woman. She was wearing a night gown. It was the woman from the invasion of this place. Dom was staring at her as she weakly scratched at the window panes. She rubbed what was left of her lower face against the window, smearing blood onto it. Her lower jaw was missing. Her torso, chest, and neck were torn to pieces as well. There was no doubt in my mind that she could feel every inch of her body that was missing. I placed my hand on Dom's shoulder gently. He turned to me slightly, not taking his eyes off of the dead one. "Grim?" he said. "What is it kid?" I said. "Don't ever let me become like that. Promise?" he said. "Yeah kid, I promise," I said. He was far too young to be thinking about death. I assumed he was under Sophie's age. Maybe eighteen or twenty. I was old enough to be his father. Same with Sophie. "Come on. They're all waiting for me in the center of the town. You should come along," I said. He turned fully and took his eyes off of the window. He made eye contact with me. His dark ginger hair brought out his dull green eyes. He nodded slightly and we walked together to the center of the town. Dom joined the crowd of the others. Tasha, David, Aaron, Maria, Mack, and Stray were among the group. The people Juggernaut and John rallied with the rest of the people I assumed, since I had not seen them. I walked past the abandoned machine gunner's nest and walked to the dry fountain that rested in the center of everything that surrounded it. I stepped up onto it to elevate myself over everyone else so that I could be seen and heard. "I'm sure it is known that we soon will be facing the enemy once more on the field of battle. Some of you know how to fight well. Many do not. The best advice I can give you is to follow the plan and fight with every speck of guts you have," I said. "What's the plan?" Aaron piped up. "I'm glad you asked. The plan is quite simple. I expect the Hive soldiers to be on their way here at this very moment," I said. "Well then shouldn't we be arming ourselves and preparing to fight?" Abby said. "We should, but I have an idea," I said. There was silence so I continued. "We cut them off with a choke point. I remember where they formed a blockade last time. We split our people into three groups. One group stays here. Two groups each position themselves in the woods or the field on either side of the former blockade site. We sandwich them between the three and give them no choice but to surrender," I said. A few people nodded their heads in approval. Many just stared quietly. "The safest place to be is in the community. After that, then the wooded area is second safest. The people who will be in the field will have the most dangerous position because there is no cover," I said. "Should I assign groups or should I let you all pick?" I asked the people. "Hands for assigned groups," I said. A few hands went up, but not many. "Well then. The majority vote says you will pick your own assignments. Can I get volunteers to command each group?" I asked. "Will and I will stay here in the town. There's more cover for us snipers here from the buildings," Wolf said. "I will take the mid range area of the woods," Maria said. "I will join her," Tasha added. "Anyone to lead the group in the field?" I asked. There was silence. "Fine. Then I will lead from the front," I said. "I'll join ya pal!" Juggernaut piped up. I appreciated his support. I needed all the firepower I could get from the front lines. I pulled a blank piece of paper and divided it into three columns. I gathered up with Maria, Tasha, Will, Wolf, and Juggernaut. I handed Will and Maria radios from a supply bin. "Stay on channel C. When Dhru and his men come by I will tell all of you when to attack. Keep your groups as motionless as possible until I give the order. This is a surprise attack," I told them. "Everyone else, come to me and tell me which groups you would like to be a part of," I said. They lined up, awaiting to tell me their parties...

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