Chapter 30: Fallen Men

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Refuge and Hive survivors alike gathered around us. They formed a small circle. Human kind stood next to one another, each from completely different backgrounds and communities, yet they stood together like brothers and sisters to watch what was about to unfold. I pulled my belt off of my waist and wrapped it around my slightly painful right forearm. I pulled it tight so that it limited circulation and reduced pain, as well as stabilizing the possible break in the bone. I stared into Hexblade's very soul. He however, was focused on the surrounding people. He seemed to be taking note of everyone who used to be a part of his community, who had now joined the Refuge. His eyes locked onto Bill and Willow. "Traitors!" he snarled. "I'm just a man trying to survive," Bill said innocently. "You all had a life because of me. You're alive right now because of me!" he screamed hysterically. "Yeah, but sticking with you also would have been our deaths," Willow piped up. "Cowards," Hexblade said. I circled the man as we both waited for the other to make the first move. "You could have joined me and been a god among men," Hexblade said to me. "There's only one God man, and he ain't around this place no more," I said. "Let's see if your God can save you now," he said. He took a step closer to me. He raised his fists up to his chest and sized me up. I was a few inches shorter than him, but I was more muscularly built. He also lacked the skill and experience to beat me. To top it all off, he was missing a hand. It was time to see what kind of a man he really was, without the support of his people or his weapons. He approached me until he was an arms length away. He swung a hard right hook. I leaned backwards and the shot missed entirely. I retaliated with a quick, less powerful right hook, well placed to the side of the head. My fist connected with his skull and he stumbled sideways. I circled around him as he gained his bearings. He stood back up and rushed me again. When he got in close I threw two jabs at his face, which he blocked. He then drove a punch into my gut that I wasn't ready for. The air was forced from my lungs. I took two steps back and hunched over, struggling for breath. He wasted no time. He rushed me and unleashed hell. He cracked me in the side of the head with his fist and jabbed at me with his fist and his covered stump. I leaned back and kicked him in the chest, getting him away from me. "I'm aboutta beat your ass, single handedly too," he taunted. "You ain't got nothing on my youth, old man," he said. I rushed him unexpectedly and rammed my fist into his ribs. He fell backwards onto his back and scrambled away from me on the ground. "Experience beats youth," I said. I approached him as he scooted away. He reached the edge of the circle of people. One of his own people picked him up and forced him back into the circle. "Give him hell Hex!" they cheered. With the slight boost of motivation, he approached me. I threw another right hook. This time, he ducked under it and punched me in my jaw. I doubled over and spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground. I stood back up. He punched me again in the jaw and I fell to my knees. He kicked me in the head and I crumpled over onto the ground. When my head hit the ground, my eyes flashed over white for a second. "He's done for!" someone said. "Finish him off, boss," another said. I heard a sound of metal landing on soil somewhere within the circle. I raised my head. Hexblade's pistol sat in the middle of the circle. He walked over to it and picked it up. He pointed it at me while I was on the ground. "Do you surrender?" he asked. "Put the damn gun down man and fight me with your hand," I said. "Do you surrender?" he repeated. "You're the only coward here," I said. "Suit yourself," he said. I closed my eyes. A loud shot rang out. I heard the thud of a body in front of me. I opened my eyes to examine the newly placed warm body beside me. I rolled over the person. The bullet had hit straight in the center of his chest. Blood lazily leaked from the hole. Undoubtedly, his ribs were broken and his lungs were on the brink of collapsing. His breathing was fast and unsteady. I looked into his face with shock. He looked shocked too. He stammered and sputtered for breath. I heard a female scream from the circle. There were shocked gasps and cries from the Refuge people. I looked up at Hexblade. He was pale and looked afraid. The slide to his handgun was open. He only had one bullet left and he used it on the man on the ground. I looked back at the man, disregarding Hexblade. "No..." I said trailing off. "You were supposed to live," I said. "It was supposed to be me, not you," I said. He choked and sputtered on his own blood. I pounded the dirt with my fist. I gritted my teeth together. "It was supposed to be me!" I shouted at him. He coughed and his blood speckled my face. He wheezed and took in a raspy breath. He pulled me closer to him. "Why did you do it?" I said sorrowfully. "Make... my daughter.. have a future," he forced the words out. A tear left my eye. "There is no future for her without you," I said quietly. "You can.. build one for her... without me," he said even more quietly. "David I'm not gonna let you die here," I said. "Let me go... kill that son of a bitch.." he said softly. He exhaled and did not inhale again. His muscles relaxed. I pounded the earth again with my fist. More tears left my face. I lifted my head and looked at Hexblade through my glassy, tear filled eyes. He was no longer holding the pistol and was now holding the five sided blade. I stood from David's side. I clenched my jaw and flexed my muscles with rage. Hexblade held up the blade with malicious intent. I screamed with rage and charged at the man. He was ready for me...

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