Chapter 5

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The first day of 7th Wukong had gotten his schedule ;
Language Arts
Then Art.

This year he'd have to have most of his classes with Macaque the one he tried to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately that hadn't lasted so long.

Wukong: New grade, new whole part to be at in this building.

No one POV: Wukong had walked over to his first class and sat down where he had supposed to sit in and so along after 5 mins Macaque had entered the class as well. Wukong paid little to no attention to Macaque but that didn't stop Macaque to annoy him.

Wukong: [in mind] (finally this class is over it's so boring.)

No one's POV: Wukong was walking outside to meet with his friends then he felt something or more like SOMEONE slap the back of his head. And u wouldn't believe WHO IT WAS. Yes, it was macaque.

Macaque: I've noticed I haven't annoyed u today but now I got the chance so ya!!

Wukong: Ah, alr.

No one's POV: Wukong has just said that and nodded then just continued talking to his friends kinda just ignoring Macaque. Macaque thought it was usual and got a bit disappointed but he just walked away to his own friends.

More and more days had passed... Wukong continued to just ignore Macaque, expect for times he's actually forced to talk to him. First trimester ended, so most of the seats changed and Wukong had gotten pretty unlucky. Every class he had with Macaque he now had to sit near him like infront near him.

Wukong: [in mind] (God why did I have to sit near him all he's gon do is throw small paper balls and keep calling my name.)

Wukong was actually wrong... Most of the time Macaque was just quiet and didn't disturb him.

AN: Happy late merry Christmas guys!! 🙈🙈

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