Ch 12

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Wukong loved this school year dearly, Macaque has said "I love you" tons of times yet not dating, Macaque has hugged him multiple times yet Wukong hadn't hugged him back... Yet, though Wukong's mental health may be horrible he still finds way to be happy with & for Macaque no matter what.

*time skip till the end of the school year last day*

Wukong: This may just be my most favorite school year ever honestly...

Regina: Yeah, I mean the amount of luck you've gotten with peach so far!

Wukong: Yeah, I'm so scared to confess to him today oh my god...


Wukong: Yeah... I'm really scared though.

Macaque: heyyy!!

Wukong: oh hi!

Macaque: Can I use your headphones pretty please!

Wukong: yeah sure here you go.

Macaque: thanksss!

Today is just a regular day but as you could see Wukong is planning to confess to Macaque.

The rest of the day the students that decided to come on that day just walked around the school & helped clean up the mess from the day before.

After that they decided to go to the field just to lay down for the rest of the school day.

Wukong: Ay, can I have my headphones back?

Macaque: oh ya sure

Wukong then decides to fall asleep on the grass while his friends continue talking on the bench next to him.

Macaque: Have you noticed Wukong more like...

Peng: Fucking depressed? Yeah. He looks miserable most of the time. Including when Azure flirts with him.

Macaque: Yeah... I would honestly get jealous when Azure would try putting his head on Wukong's shoulder like that one time at the sports competition. When Wukong was resting after his football game and I was doing my soccer game.

Peng: Oh yeah! Wukong even tried pushing Azure away! Then you came in all night and shining armor!

Macaque: Shut up... I was only looking out for him. Anyway, yeah I should maybe try talking to him about it later... Also have you noticed the new scars he has.

Peng: I never really played attention with his scars I asked about it once and he brushed it off as him being rough that's all.

Macaque: Being "rough" doesn't really explain it. I mean yeah maybe he fell but that many times in a day? He's not even clumsy.

Peng: yeah... But let's change the subject before he wakes up and hears us talking about this.

Macaque: Agree.

Peng and Macaque continued talking till Wukong had woken up.

Macaque: Wow the sleeping beauty woke up!

Wukong: What...? I'ma just go to Regina.

Macaque: oh ok.

Wukong just walked across the field to Regina where she was sitting and eating with her other friends.

Peng: Quiet 'cause you wanted to talk to your boyfriendddd??

Peng teased


Peng: Here we go again...

With Regina and Wukong

Regina: You gonna order food?

Wukong: Yeah, I'm hella hungry. I haven't eaten all day.

Wukong orders the food and about 10 minutes later the office calls from a teacher's classroom the teacher then call Wukong to get food.

Wukong: Food time!! I'ma just eat this burger and drink this.

Macaque: You really went to buy food?

Wukong: I was hungry.. Anyway want some? *wukong singling the drink he had*

Macaque: Yeah sure give me some.

Indirect kiss. Wukong and Macaque had finally shared a good which wasn't a big deal with Wukong since he did it with so many other people. But for Macaque it was surprising how calm Wukong was.

Wukong: Alright, don't drink it all give it back!

Macaque: Whatever you say I guess!

After a few hours school was ending the school given them buckets of water earlier to play around with and a lot of people were soaked. INCLUDING Macaque and Wukong who kept going at it together.

Macaque: Fuck my mom is gonna beat the shit out of me.

Wukong: Your just wet! It'll dry off nothing to worry abouttt!

Macaque: Right... So I guess see you in who knows how long since you know...

Wukong: Oh right... Your moving schools.

Macaque: Yup, not gonna spend 8th grade together. But at least we had these 2 years together!

Wukong: yeah...! (In head: Fuck I'm either gonna ruin a friendship of 2 years or I'ma have a long lasting relationship.) I have something to tell you.

Right when he says that Macaque walks away hugging his close friends.

Wukong: This piece of shit.

Macaque then hugs Wukong but still Wukong couldn't find the will to be able to hug him back.

Macaque: So what's that thing you wanna tell me? Can it hurry I need to go to after school meetings...

Wukong: Forget about that.. Wait what? You won't be able to walk today? It's the last day what's the point?

Macaque: I don't know my mom wants me to go...

Wukong: Ok... Well then bye.

Wukong then runs off to Regina who was waiting for him by the gate.

Wukong: Fuck... I couldn't confess.

Regina: I'll do it! OOHHH MACAQUEEEEE!!


wukong then runs off in fear of rejection and just let's Regina handle it.

Macaque: What happened... Why'd he run off?

Regina: Wukong is like madly in love with you but he's too much of a pussy to actually confess who I'm here doing for him so like yeah I'ma go now.

Regina had walked off while Macaque just stood there I'm shocked.

Macaque: What the actual fuck.


AN: Hey guys what's up!

Non-Existing Love (kinda shadowpeach?) Where stories live. Discover now