Ch 11

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The day of the field trip


Macaque: I might've had a few hits before school earlier... But it'll wear off soon just give it a couple hours!

Wukong: Just here drink my water... At this point just drink all of it. Why do you decide to do the stupidest shit ever.

Macaque: I'm sorry.

Wukong: it's fine... Don't worry about it just continue drinking the water & just sleep in the bus. I know you like using my phone for some reason I'll let you use it.

Macaque: Your one of the most kindest friends I have you know...

Wukong: Yeah whatever... Let's just go to the bus now.

Once Macaque & Wukong sat down they talked for a bit then Macaque actually got a bit sleepy & ended up sleeping on Wukong's shoulder.

Wukong (in mind) : Holy fucking shit. He has his head on my shoulder. I can't use my phone & text Regina about this her ass decided to be in all the way of the back & Macaque might wake up & see it. Fuck fuck fuck fuck...

After like 20 minutes Macaque finally woke up & realized he fell asleep on Wukong.

Macaque: Shit my bad..

Wukong: It's fine, dw.

The ride just ended & everyone got off the bus.

Teacher: Alright students go do whatever! Just be safe!

Regina & Wukong went to buy bracelets to be able to be let on all the rides then explore other crap.

Since Wukong had a lot of people like him & also had a shit ton of exes of course he would still be friends with some. So he even ended up riding rides with them too.

Macaque (with his friends) : Why the hell is he hanging with like some of his exes...

****: Ain't he a player or some shit people call him?

Macaque: Well... I don't even know at this point.

Back with Wukong: OH MY GOD! Today is hella fun. But I'm hungry to be honest... Can we go eat something?

Regina: Yeah sure I saw a place we could buy burgers at we should go there.

They started walking there & while walking they passed by a small stand selling inflatable balloons of cartoon characters & Wukong decided to buy one.

Wukong: OMG. They have spiderman! I'ma buy it!

Wukong bought it & Regina & him continued walking till they came to the place they ordered what they wanted & sat down till then.

Regina: What happened to riding the Ferris wheel with Macaque?

Wukong: shut your mouth! Use his code name at least anyone from school could be around!

Regina: my bad... Haha but so like I thought you would at least ride one ride with peach...

Wukong: Yeah, I thought so too. But he's too focused on his own friends I guess.

Regina: Well, let's go ride the Ferris wheel since we are going to leave soon but after we eat of course!

Wukong & Regina got there food & about 30 minutes later they both finished & left to go ride the Ferris wheel.

Wukong: Wow the line is short... I expected more people!

Regina: I'm guessing cause people most likely are waiting for it to turn night so it's more prettier you know?

Wukong: ooohhh, yeah that makes more sense! Look it's our turn now!

They both got on & it started to move wukong even started searching for people at school when they were at the top

Wukong: Should I buy something for Macaque...

Regina: I mean it's your money so it's your choice.

Wukong: I'll take that as a yes!

The Ferris wheel ended the ride was low-key kinda long but still great!

Wukong: Let's go to the gift shop before we leave!

Regina: Actually, I'ma go with the person I sat with at the bus I'm scared of losing my way you know...

Wukong: Oh alright that's fine don't worry!!

Wukong went to the gift shop buying 2 monkey plushies one black furred one & one orange furred one reminding him of him & Macaque.

Wukong: I'm sure he'll like this I'ma go pay now.

Wukong then paid & ran to the bus where he met Macaque.

Macaque: WUKONG! I was looking for you!

Wukong: hold... I just ran here from the gift shop. Also I got you something! I'll show you once we get on the bus!

Once they finally got on the bus & sat down in they're seats, Wukong took out what he got.


Wukong: You can pick which one you want by the way!

Macaque: I want the orange one, it reminds me of you!

Right when Wukong heard those words he was blushing like crazy & wanted to scream but of course had to hold it in.

Wukong: oh alright then! By the way did you know what wear off now?

Macaque: Yeah pretty sure it did my mouth doesn't feel dry no more & I don't feel dizzy.

Wukong: oh ok that's good.

After one long bus ride they were finally back at school.

Macaque: By the way thank you for the plush!

Wukong: Yeah, you're welcome man!

School ended soon & they walked home together like normally.

AN: Oh my god I'm so tiredd I have a bunch of homework to do.

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