1. What did you do Finn?!

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Scene 1

Finn Shelby sprinted through the narrow, dimly lit streets of Small Heath, his breaths heavy and ragged

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Finn Shelby sprinted through the narrow, dimly
lit streets of Small Heath, his breaths heavy and ragged. The echoes of the evening's events resonated in his mind. His face bore the marks of a tumultuous encounter, blood splattered across his features. He was trembling and sweating.

Reaching the house in Watery Lane, Finn burst through the door, panting and distressed. Polly, was reading the newspaper and smoking.

She turned at the abrupt entrance

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She turned at the abrupt entrance. Her eyes widened in concern as she took in the disheveled appearance of her youngest nephew.

Polly: Finn, what happened?

Polly's voice trembled with a mix of worry and fear.

Polly: Your face—your hands! What in God's name...?

Ignoring her questions, Finn rushed past Polly, toward the bathroom.

Polly followed closely, her maternal instincts on high alert.

Polly: Finn, talk to me! We need to know what's going on.

Reaching the bathroom, Finn slammed the door shut behind him, locking himself inside. The sound reverberated through the house, sending a shiver down Polly's spine. Desperation lingered in the air as she knocked on the door.

Polly: Finn, open this door right now! Tell me what happened.

Inside the bathroom, Finn faced the reflection in the mirror—a battered and blood-streaked version of himself. His hands shook as he turned on the faucet, the sound of rushing water. He scrubbed frantically, trying to wash away the evidence of the incident that happened during the boxing match.

Polly: Finn, please. Open the door, Now!

But Finn, trapped in guilt and panic, remained silent.

Scene 2

The atmosphere in the pub was unusually light, with Thomas, John, and Arthur seated around table, pints of ale in hand.

Bound by fate (Thomas Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now