23. Midnight melodies

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Scene 1

Asya laying on the examination table, as the midwife meticulously went through her routine checks. Her belly was visible now with 7,5 months (30 weeks).

Midwife: (smiling) Blood pressure is stable, and the baby's position looks good at 32 weeks.

Asya: (grinning) That's a relief. I can't believe we've come this far.

Esme, seated nearby, observed the scene with a smile.

Esme: Asya, pregnancy really suits you.

Asya: (laughs) Well, it hasn't been the smoothest journey, but I guess we're getting there.

Midwife: And how have you been feeling? Any concerns or discomfort?

Asya: Aside from the occasional kicks that feel like they're training for a boxing match, all good.

Esme: (laughs) I remember those days.

Midwife: Now, let's check the baby's heartbeat.

As the midwife placed the stethoscope on her belly.

Midwife: Strong and steady. Your baby seems content in there.

Asya: Thomas is over the moon.

Esme: I'm sure Charlie are excited as well.

Asya: Oh, well, he's still figuring it out, but he loves feeling the baby kick.

Months had passed, and the newfound happiness was palpable. Asya's journey from an arranged marriage fraught with challenges to the impending arrival of a

Esme, with a twinkle in her eye, dropped her bombshell, leaving the midwife visibly shocked.

Esme: (to the midwife) You know, during my pregnancy, I used to enjoy a bit of snow now and then.

The midwife, taken aback, stammered in surprise.

Midwife: Snow? But that's not recommended during pregnancy!

Asya, catching on quickly, jumped in, attempting to save the situation.

Asya: (grinning) Oh, Esme's just pulling your leg. It's her way of keeping things light in here. No need to worry!

Esme, ignoring Asya's attempt to divert.

Esme: Oh, I'm not kidding. It helped with those mood swings, you know?

Asya shot Esme a stern, silently urging her to play along with the joke.

Asya: Esme, come on. You're going to give the midwife a heart attack. We're just kidding, really.

Esme, still maintaining her deadpan expression, added a final touch.

Esme: Yeah, .......its a joke.

The midwife, caught between amusement and concern, couldn't help but chuckle.

Midwife: Well, I must say, you certainly keep things interesting. Let's stick to the safer jokes, though.

Asya, with a playful shake of her head, couldn't help but appreciate Esme's comments.

The midwife continued her examination, her expression becoming more serious.

Midwife: It seems the baby is measuring a bit smaller than expected for this stage.

Asya, feeling a surge of panic, tried to sit up abruptly, her eyes widening with concern.

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