1 Sad CharlieBabe

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Everyone in the team sat and worked. It was 10 in the night. Babe just got finished with his last round of practice, thus the senior racer was resting. Jeffs exams had finished today, and Alan had not let go of the omega. Charlie was sitting in the chair daydreaming about God knows what. Way was sitting in his chair and working his ass off. Alan had Jeff on his lap. North and sonic were just talking, and Charlie's younger sister, Yuri, was sitting and doing her homework. Khun, Charlie's brother, was at his house, and Charn, Charlie's other brother was out with friends.

Suddenly, the familiar ring tone of Charlie's phone rang. The youngest racer mumbled out a sorry to the others before taking it up.

"Hello? " Charlie asked. "This is Charlie, may I know who I'm talking to? " He continued. Unknown number?.

There was a gap, assumingly, the other was talking.

"I remember who you are, Uncle." There was hatred and anger in Charlie's voice "What does that fucking bastard want? " This was the first time that the team had seen Charlie angry. And the aura around him, was immediately dangerous.

Slowly, Charlie left the room.

The call-


Charlie:hello? This is Charlie, may I know who I'm talking to?

C :sir. Its me, pak..I'm the as-.

Ch: I know who you are..Uncle. What does that fucking bastard want?

C: sir... I regret to inform you... Your father, p'gun Has passed away in-

Ch: haa?!

C:he's gone sir...a car accident....

Long silence


C :He had a will written. You are his oldest heir and thus you have to come to talk to the lawyer...

Long silence

Ch: when?

C: the earliest as possible, sir...

When Charlie entered the room, his hands were tightly closed.

he calls Jeff over, he was sitting with alan. He calls his siblings and tells them to be on their way.

Babe saw all this happen

They all are deciding where to go when Babe offers his house. Alan, worried for Jeff, goes along with them.

Charlie has an expression on his face no one knows.... Except Jeff... His eyes widen, and he understands the seriousness of the situation just after seeing the look on Charlie's face.

Charlie's siblings are there, and they too, after seeing the face on Charlie, get extremely serious.
"He's gone"
Their eyes widen

"As in... "

Charlie gives a nod

This isn't the Charlie they know. These aren't the joly kids they know.

They are working like a team, they understand everything with barely any words.

Their were a few words.
Car accident.... Dead..... Thursday at 9....

... Father?...

Charlie's hands are clenched really hard. When babe looks closely, there's blood...

Babe went up to Charlie, and put a hand on the alphas shoulder. "Let me see your hands" The elders voice was soft and comforting. Charlie started to protest, but stopped after seeing the look in babe's eyes. The new racer opened his hands and showed them to babe.

Charlie's sharp nails had digged through the skin, and caused cuts that were bleeding out. Babe was worried. Throughout the past half an hour, everything that happened felt like it went too fast... It felt like moments ago they were all sitting in peace. And now, babe had just put the 9 year old Yuri to bed, and something in that phone call was really serious.

By now babe had gathered that it was about their father.
The one that left a 16 year old Charlie to fend for himself and his 4 siblings, which included 8 year old khun, 7 year old Jeff,
12 year old charn, and a mere 8 months old Yuri.

Babe led Charlie to his bathroom where he kept his emergency kit. Once they entered, babe locked the door, and pulled Charlie into a hug. "It's ok. " Babe whispered reassuringly. "Tell me"

Charlie put his head into babe's neck, and took in a broken breath. "My father.. He's dead. And that bastard just wrote off everything to his oldest kid. " Tears filled up Charlie's eyes. Babe opened the kit. "I own everything now.... We always-" Charlie let out a sob. "We had a plan for this.... But now that we are actually going through with it... " Charlie sobbed in babe's arms. "It's too much Babe... It's too much. " Charlie continued to sob through his words. "I built a whole life for us... From shambles... I starved for weeks to make sure my siblings ate. I worked 4 jobs... I left the past with my parents behind... " Babe now felt really sad. Charlie didn't deserve this. He shouldn't have had to go through this. The beautiful boy in his arms should not have to cry.

"And now it's back.... It's back, and the burden is all on me. " Charlie told everything to Babe. Charlie cried in babe's arms for what felt like hours.
Babe cleaned Charlie's wounds, and bandaged them.

Charlie cried his heart out, for the first time in years. Charlie let himself get vulnerable.


By the time they had finished the hard part, it was 6 in the morning. Babe had slept in Charlie's arms, and refused to go to bed. After the moment they had together, babe was adamant on staying with Charlie. Everytime Charlie felt like he should just give up, he looked down, and saw the alpha peacefully sleeping in his arms. For him.

He will deal with it all.

Just to keep Babe safe.


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