13 sadness

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Just utterly sad.


They break up

A week goes by

Charlie doesn't come around

Then, suddenly, Jeff doesn't come for 3 days.

Comes one day, doesn't talk to anyone.

They ask him why Charlie hasn't come.
And tell him that you can't take  a leave longer than 2 days without a letter.

"Can a dead man take a leave for more than 2 days without a note.? "
He goes up to the table and slams down his


"He had cancer.

Brain cancer.

He was forgetful because he was dying.

You know what he chose to do in his last 3 years,

Save you.

When he heard the terrible things that your pa, and his enemy, the man who used to be our father planned to do.

He went on a rampage to save you.

He lied, to save you.

Would you listen to him, if he came up to you and told you that you are going to die. That you are going to be turned into an omega, to give birth to Ways fucking child? When you don't want children at all?

You know who tampered with your car? Way.
He is an enigma. He too was adopted by your pa.
His enemy, he wanted your powers. The only way, use an enigma to get you pregnant. The enigma he sent after yous name was kan. To save you from him, Charlie took the hit. He was in the hospital for fucking 10 days.

It didn't matter when Charlie broke bones in his body to shield you from your pas men.

When he sat in excruciating pain, just to make sure you were safe.

He fell in love .

The past 5 months, Charlie has hurt himself to save you countless times.

Those bruises on his body was not him being clumsy. He had scar removal done 4 times.

Nights and nights he stayed up making your house secure.

Did it  mean nothing when he took a bullet for you.

And there you were. Making assumptions that Charlie was cheating on you. With me. His younger brother. By blood.

You didn't listen to a word he said.

He died.

But in vain.

He saved you, in vain.

I will never understand how he fell in love with someone like you, babe.

Never. "

Turns towards Alan.

"I'm not going to join another team, UNCLE.

I'm going away.

From you all.

Because coming here was the biggest fucking mistake.

Giving in to Charlie wanting to save Babe was another fucking mistake.

Because you killed him.

Hes dead, 2 years early.

And two people came to his funeral.

The kids he raised when their father kicked them out.

He starved day and night to make sure me and yuri ate.

He was 16.

He was supposed to be Yuri's older brother. But he ended up being her father. And now Yuri and i only have each other. And the stuff he left us.
Yuri doesn't have a father. And i dont have a brother.

He had two more years left.

But he decided to give up.

Even though I'm pretty sure your not sorry, don't bother. I'm not going to forgive.

This place is too toxic.

Me and my dead brother both fell in love here,. "

He stares at Alan.

"Like idiots. "

He gives them a copy of Charlie's death certificate, and his resignation letter.

In a state of complete anger, Jeff wipes his eyes and walks out.

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