3 cute fluff BabeCharlie

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This is gonna be short. Charlie is super cute.

"Its a great day, let's compete again. But i won't take money for a prize" Winner walks over to Charlie, and drops a hand over his shoulder. "If I win, I'll take your new boy" Immediately, the playful look in Babe's eyes was gone. [Jealous]

"He looks like a wimp. It'll be fun to play with him" Charlie got uncomfortable, and grabbed the hand on his shoulder and yanked it off. "Spicy Hot too." Winner pressed a sloby kiss on Charlie's cheek.
"Eugh" Charlie visibly shivered in disgust. There was a frown on his face.

Way noticed Charlie's hand tightly curled up, and it did look like Charlie was gonna punch winner. Immediately, way pulled Charlie away. "You can punch him when babe wins. " Way whispered. Charlie's face immediately went into a big puppy smile, and he jumped up and down.

If only way knew how much Charlie would like that.


After already winning, babe did those extra spins.

"P'Babe." Charlie said, as they won,
"Hmm" Babe had a smirk on his face.
"Don't panic. Keep spinning, and stop normally when you should. Don't stop the car before that. " As babe was about to reply, Charlie did something that surprised everyone.

What surprised everyone was when Charlie opened the door, and walked out while the car was still spinning, and managed to gracefully walk up to where winner was standing. Babe almost stopped the car, but just decided to listen to Charlie's words.

After babe's car stopped, and babe came out, the senior racer was ready to scold Charlie.

Charlie looked over at way, and mouthed the words 'Can I punch him now? ' with puppy eyes. Way just chuckled and gave him a thumbs up.

Babe, now confused, walked over to way and asked way what was going on. Way just pointed to where Charlie was standing.

Charlie gave a smile to the sulking winner. Then, He grabbed the guys collar, and pulled him closer. Babe watched, shocked at what Charlie was doing. Was he going to kiss the enemy?.

But then, Charlie threw punch.
"Aagh, Fuck! What the-?! " Winner asked. Everyone's eyes widened. Even Way's, because he didn't expect Charlie to be able to throw such a good punch.
"That was for annoying babe and the team" Bash! Another punch after that.
"Aagh! What is wrong with you?! " Winner asked. The guy would have been thrown ten feet, if Charlie wasn't holding his collar. "That was for betting on me as if I'm property, and calling me wimpy." Charlie spat. Bang, another punch. "And, that-" The puppy smile was back on his face. "Because you're ugly! " Charlie said giddily.

Then, he let go of winner, and let the guy fall on the ground. Winner's nose was broken, and lip was bleeding. Black eye.

Charlie walked up to them "Thank you P'Way! " The youngest said with a bright smile. "Why'd you do that? " Babe asked
Charlie childishly pointed to way. "He said I could! " Way just chuckled.
"I didn't expect you to be that strong.

A great day, indeed.

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