10 CharlieBabe

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There was a little part in pavels live where he explained that he's a daddy. (I agree, I agree). Just a little recreation of that, inside the pit babe universe.
Charlie has been out for college for the past 5 months.

Sonic held up the phone, which was showing the chats in the live. They couldn't see their faces on the camera.

'เบบี้สวยจังเลย' (babe is so beautiful)

'สวย' (beautiful)

Everyone was calling babe beautiful.
"Thai fans are calling me soy. Soy means..beautiful. " He looked to Alan asking if he had said it right. Alan gave him a nod. "I'm not. I'm a daddy. "He said assertively. Everyone in the room chuckled. " I'm wearing this.. "He held up his sweatshirt, but hesitated, not remembering what to call a sweatshirt in  English. " Sweatshirt "Alan said from his place, noticing babes stress. " This sweatshirt is to cover all the muscle. Im not beautiful. Im-" Suddenly, babe was cut off by a smooth voice he recognized way too well. "I beg your pardon. I'd like to disagree. " The voice said in a clean propper english.

Babe turned around. It couldn't be. He was in-

"Charlie! " Babe grinned, and threw himself into Charlie's arms. Charlie chuckled. "How are you, Mama? "The puppy asked, as Babe smiled still. " Doing  as I do, papa"he answered sweetly.


It's 5 am right now

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