11 Sad Charlie babe AU

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This is very non canon..
Happy ending.

"P'Babe... I need you to sit down... I have to tell you something. " Charlie said, sitting on one side of the bed. Babe raises an eyebrow, but sits down nonetheless.
"Please, be calm. " Charlie pleaded. Babe just nodded his head through confusion.
"Um, ok? " Babe said.

"I'm not human. " Charlie blurted. Babe just looked at Charlie as if he was stupid. "Yes, you are. Just like me. " Babe said.
"I'm not. I'm what you humans call a spirit, or an angel. " Charlie said. Babe just huffed and stood up, already done with the nonsense that Charlie was spurting.

Suddenly, some invisible force made him sit down.

"What the-?! What the fuck was that!? "


Charlie flicked his hand. Swirls appeared in the air. They moved along with Charlie's own movements.

"Believe me now? "


The mission was over. The mission given to him by God was over. Estimatedly, Charlie has 5 years left. Then the human in him will die, as his spirit would go back up.

Charlie explained it to babe. All of it. His mission was to keep Babe safe from the demons that had surrounded him. And it was done.

"I'll be gone, I've only got 5 years left. The only way for us to meet again, is for you to still love me till your time. I don't want you to have such a life. I'll just be a burden on your heart. "


" I love you the most P'Babe, But you deserve someone who can be with you forever. "Charlie said. Babe immediately grabbed onto Charlie's hand. "No" He furiously shook his head at Charlie's words. "Phi.. "

"No, Charlie. No. No. I can only love you"

"Babe... "

"I love you, Charlie. And these next 5 years, we will spend them together. I'll show you how much I love you. When they take you away, I'll wait. I'll wait till my time comes. I don't care if it takes a thousand years. I'll wait for you. "


Utterly and hopelessly in love.

That was the only way to describe Charlie and Babe.


5 years passed in front of their eyes. Full of loving each other. Fierce love making, and gentle nights. Charlie holding babe while he cried, and Babe being Charlie's safe place.

They got married, and bought a dog. They have their own little place.

And now they were here.

They both knew what was happening.

Charlie was in gut wrenching pain. Painkillers did nothing. Babe knew that thr the smile on Charlie's face was there only because of the strength he had. The pain was above levels recorded in history books.

The time had come.

"Do you want more painkillers? Should I get you some water? " Babe asked, voice trembling, as he leaned down and checked Charlie's temperature. "You're burning up. I'm gonna-" Babe was pulled closer. "Babe.. "Charlie called. " Charlie "

"I love you. You are my everything. My whole heart. Always know that. " Babe broke into a sob. Charlie pulled babe in, and pressed a soft kiss on the others lips, the likes of many kisses they had shared before. A sweet, long kiss.

"If you find someone else, move on. Don't think of me as someone you have to love. Forget me, and live your life" If Charlie wasn't dying right now, Babe would've punched him so hard. For Now, babe couldn't stop crying.

"Still, I'll love you forever, but I want you to live your life happily" Babe continued to sob harder, Shaking his head. "I won't move on" He replied shakily.

"Do what ever makes you happy. I don't care about what or who. I want the man I love, to be happy. "

Bob could only cry harder.

"My mission here was to keep you safe, and it is over now.. I'll be watching over you, and loving you from there. I'll always be-" He Puts a finger to where babes heart is. "-here. " He smiled

Babe can't stop crying. Charlie was the only man he loved, and now Charlie was leaving.

"I love you so much Charlie. Please dont forget me. "

"An angel can never forget the one that they love. That first love, stays in their heart forever. We don't move on. "

Charlie died in babe's arms.


3 years passed. Babe didn't bat an eye towards anyone else. He loved Charlie more everyday, even if the other wasn't here right then. The word love could only remind him of the one person who meant most to him.

There was a crash on the field. Babe died. His last words, no one heard.

«“I'm coming, Charlie”»

And, like that, babe's body died.


Babe was standing in front of a 5 storey mansion. It was very big, and there was a big field back of it. But what caught his eyes, was the man standing in front of it.

The man was wearing a very plain atire, but babe loved it on him. A blue shirt with a white tee underneath, glasses still on his face, looking at the house, his own creation.

There was no way in a hundred years babe could forget that face.

"Charlie" Babe called in a broken voice.
Charlie turned, his eyes wide. "P'Babe"
Charlie smiled that puppy smile that made babe fall in love with him. Charlie dropped the bag on one side of his shoulder, as babe ran towards him. The former senior racer flung himself Into Charlie's arms.

This truly was heaven.


Charlie showed him around the manor, and explained why it was so big. It was for the whole X hunter team. Babe smiled at the thoughtful little puppy.


Soon, it was all of them.

Charlie and babe shared a floor, like Alan and Jeff, North and Sonic, and even Way and Pete. They hung out together, lived together, ate together.

Babe and Charlie's dog too, reached up to them. He was the light and shine of thr the house.

And so they all lived

★«“happily ever after”»★

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