Paying debts that aren't mine

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yuko's p.o.v.

I opened the door to the room to see my brother. "Yukio? What are you doing here?" I Asked. "yuko, I Was just about to look for you." he said. I looked behind him to see karma on the floor cleaning out his mouth, Itona rubbing his nose and Okajima crying over his smashed camera. I Pushed Yukio out the way to get a better look. "What happened?" I Asked, mainly Yukio. "Well.. you see... I Kinda... broke his camera....and I Pulled on his headband until it smacked him in the face hard...." he drifted off. "What about Akabane?" I asked. He didn't make eye contact with me.

"What happened!?" I asked, more like demanded. "I Kinda... you know... well... it's a long story." he said as a blush covered his face. I Sighed. "Just sit down," I said. He hung his head as he walked to a seat next to mine. I walked to the front of the classroom and bowed. "I'm so sorry on behalf of my brother," I said. "Okajima, I promise to buy you a new camera to replace your current on. Itona, I promise to buy you a new headband if that would make you feel better?" I said. He just shrugged his shoulders. I Walked to the back and looked at karma. He was in his seat but there was a blush on his face still. I sat in my seat and he jumped a little. I Sighed. What happened?

Time skip

I Yawned as people started to move around to get to their lunch tables. I sat there not moving because I Usually buy my lunch. "yuko, I'm sorry please forgive me." Yukio said. I Ignored him. "yuko chan~." karma said. I Growled angrily at him before I Turned back to my paper. "yuko are you okay?" Nagisa asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "yuko! yuko, yuko, yuko, yuko, yuko, yuko, yuko, yuko, yuko!" my brother kept saying. "Look I Want to know what happened so unless someone tells me I'm not talking to you both!" I said. "I'll tell you!" Maehara said. I looked at him. "Basically your brother k-" he was cut off by Yukio kissing him. he passed out due to how embarrassing it was. "Damn it Yukio! Why?" I asked. He looked away. "We kissed." a familiar voice said. It was karma Akabane. "What?" I asked again. "Look he tried to get information out of me but I Wouldn't talk so he kissed me. That's all," he said.

I Blinked a couple of times. "So your gay," I Said to Yukio. "No, I'm not!" he yelled. "Whatever. Akabane, give him a wedgie." I Said. Karma smirked. "My pleasure," he said as he ran after Yukio. "Whoa. getaway!" Yukio cried as he ran out of the door. Karma followed. "Finally they're gone. Nagisa will you help me with Maehara?" I asked. "Yeah sure," he said. We picked him up and set him in my seat. I opened up my water bottle and splashed water in his face. "That's cold!" he yelled as he got up. "Yeah well," I Said. Karma came into the room. "Where's Yukio?" I asked. "On the flag pole," he said. I look out of the window and true enough he was on the flag pole. "You're getting him down," I Said to karma.

"No way." he said. "I Didn't say hang him on the flag pole didn't I?" Asked. He huffed. "Alright then." I Said. Time passed by really fast and it was already time to go home. "Man. it seems like nothing interesting happens to me." I Mumble to myself. "Oh really?" karma asked. I nodded. "Today was so boring." I said. "yuko chan~." karma said. "What Akaba-." I turned and was cut off by his lips crashing to my cheek. I Jumped back by the sudden kiss. My cheeks turned red and I was infuriated. "Akabane you stupid tomato!" I yelled. He was laughing at me. "I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fucking kill karma Akabane." I Said as I Giggled a little. My bloodlust was out of control. "Akabane~," I Said in a singing voice. Karma had already started to run and I saw him outside the window. I opened it up and chased after him. "Akabane!" I yelled. I Was stopped by Yukio. "Whoa whoa slow your roll," he said. "Move!" I yelled. "Shhh... it's alright little sis," he said as he pulled me into a hug. I Huffed. "Can I Go kill him now?" I asked. "No. we are going to have some teriyaki tonight," he said. I Sighed. "Fine," I said. We walked off to get some teriyaki. As we walked home we bumped into Asano and his friends.

Flirting with death so dont tease meWhere stories live. Discover now