Aren't vacations supposed to be relaxing?

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 we reached a place on the downside of town. The boys took us out and tied us up before throwing us, yes throwing us, onto a couch in the building. "We have to get out of here." Kayano whispered. I passed her a knife I had. "Use this, I'll cause a distraction." I said, "Hey, that's no way to treat a lady!" I yelled. "Shut up." a boy with blond hair said. " be more delicate, we can sue you, you know that." I said. "If you know what's good for you then you better close your mouth!" he said. "You should be more respectful to ladies we aren't your toys!" I yelled.

He grabbed me by the collar and threw me against the wall. "I said, shut your mouth." he said as he forced me to look him in the eye. "Actually you said close your mouth not shut your mouth." I said a smirk on my face. He kicked me in the stomach. "Oi, not too hard, we still have to sell them. No one will want her if she has bruises." a boy with brown hair said. "Speak for yourself. Some people find it sexy. Mean they like it rough." the blond idiot said.

I gagged. "That gross." I said. "You'll like it soon enough. Not like you have any say in it anyway." he said. I only huffed. I looked at the girl to see they are untied. "What now?" they mouthed. "Wait." I mouthed back. I started to get up. They didn't have enough rope for my feet thankfully. "Hey, why not an exception. You know, to see if I'm experienced before I get souled?" I asked, trying to be a stuck up slut.

A few boys chuckled before getting uncomfortably close to me. "Sure, why not?" a guy with a mohawk said. "Now!" I yelled, kicking the guy in the crotch. The girls all bolted out of the door. I tried following but was pulled by the hair. "Aaahh!" "hehe, we got a sneaky one here." a boy said. They threw me back on the couch. I banged my head on the concrete behind it. "You cost us, two girls. But I know how to make it even." the brown-haired boy said.

The boys laughed, evil smirks on their faces and blush marks on their cheeks. Everything seemed so hazy, I was in no shape to fight. "Not so fast!" Yukio said busting up into the building. "Thank god." I whispered. Before my brother, Yukio could do anything koro sensei came in wearing a black hat with one of those things that cover the face. He said he didn't want to be seen in the way he's about to be seen before attacking the boys.

"Untie me," I demanded. "Now we don't cause a ruckus now do we?" karma asked. I growled. " I will fight you!" I sneered. "Bight me? "Shei, wait until we get married, jeez," he said. I hung my head. I was so done with him. "Just shut up already and hurry." I sighed. He untied me without another word. "You okay?" he asked me as he picked me up from the ground. "Yeah," I said as I wanked my arm from him. "Everything is just fuzzy. Kind of hit my head hard on the wall there." I replied.

"That's no good. I'll have to take you to the hospital to get a check-up." Before I could deny his thoughtful concern he picked me up and ran out of the building. "Karma where are you going?!" Nagisa yelled after us. "I'm going to take care of this baby and you can't stop me!" He yelled back. "I'm not a baby!" I snarled at him. "You are. Mine." He chuckled. "Oh, how original." I gagged.

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