Hokage kage? This isnt naruto!

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"Yukio!" I yelled. He looked at me in concern and left his group but they followed too. "What's wrong?" He asked me. I hugged him so tight and tried to calm myself down. "What do you want to tell me. " He asked. "You're gonna be an uncle!" I yelled and smiled and jumped around. "What!?" The people around him exclaimed. "An uncle?" He was about to start crying. I nodded and hugged him.

"And you're okay with that!?" The group exclaimed again. "Who's the father?" Rio asked. "Karma," I said calmly. "What!" He yelled. "That's the part he freaks out about?" Maehara commented. "You and karma have a child!" Kayano yells from across the beach. "He's so cute. I want to see my baby!" I started to cry. Yukio being the best brother ever drags me over to karma to see Kage again.

When we got there Kaga was on karma's lap holding tightly to his shirt while karma waved people away. "Kage!" I whined. "Mommy!" He yelled back, reaching for me. My heart was going to explode. Girls awed at the child as I picked him up. "This is your uncle, Yukio. Say hi Kage." I said. "Hello." He whimpered. Now it was Yukio's turn to basically act like he was dying of cuteness.

"How did you find this cutie? Hi." He talked to Kage with a baby voice totally mesmerized by his cuteness. I'm sorry he's just too cute. As I was watching Yukio talk to little Kage, karma grabbed me and pulled me down close to him. He handed me a sucker and I unwrapped it. Instead of giving it back to him I pressed it against his lips and kissed the sucker before popping it in my mouth. His face was in utter shock and so were the few people watching me. "Oh that reminds me, karma, Kage will have to live with me and yuko. You will be able to visit any time and stay over any day but I refuse to leave this child alone with you for a minute. You're a bad influence." "Says the person talking about divorce in front of the child," he replied. "I'm not talking about divorce! This is a serious issue," he said.

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