Love, war, and fuc-

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"Well, I hope you got the same level of vocal cords to cause this crowd is going to be tough to please. What you singing girl?" mack asked. "This goes out to Natsu, take a hint," I said. "Take a hint by yuko!" mack said. He started to play the song. As I was singing I saw Natsu nervously walk out with his friends. He was the last to leave but Akabane stopped him and sat him down. He was really nervous. I finished the song and everyone clapped.

 "Congratulations Natsu." I said sarcastically. Some of the girls looked back at him and started to get up. They ran after him while the rest begged me to sing friends.

"Next song friends!" mack said. "Wait!" I said but he already started the song. I started singing and soon so did the crowd. "F-r-i-en-d-s!" they yelled. I finished and they wanted me to sing another song. "I'm sorry, I'm done for tonight," I said as I walked off the stage. Before I reached the table karma was already walking to the stage. I sat down and waited. "And you sir?" Mack asked. "Karma Akabane." karma said calmly. "And the song?" he asked. "Heartbeat," he said. "Which one?" mack asked. Karma walked up to him and whispered something in his ear.

"Alright, last song of the night. Karma Akabane singing heartbeat!" mack yelled. The song started slowly and I was shocked. Karma's voice (angle music here). My jaw dropped. How the hell? He finished the song and everyone clapped and cheered. I got up and stretched. "That was for my girlfriend yuko," he said. I froze. Everyone turned to me. I saw karma with that stupid smirk on his face.

I frowned and pulled Yukio, Asano, and Maehara out of the place. I let them go and started to punch a tree. My head was ringing before it stopped. Karma walked out and I punched him in the face. "I need ice cream," I said as I walked down the street to mix match. I ordered 2 vanilla and strawberry swirls. I walked out and ate the ice cream. Karma got up from the punch. "Ow, okay I deserved that," he said. I stuffed the ice cream in his face. "Yeah, you totally deserve this," I said before kicking him between his legs. He fell to his knees.

"I'm still mad," I said as I picked up a rock. I chucked it into the street and it hits this big guy. He walked over and asked who did that. I pointed at karma who just got up. "Your dead meat!" the dude said. Karmas' eyes widened before he ran the other way. The guy followed. "Alright, I'll see you guys later," I said as I hugged Maehara and Asano. Yukio and I were walking home when I got this text from karma. I'm sorry, but did you really have to get that big one to follow me?! I didn't respond but instead blocked him. We reached home and packed. After that, we fell asleep.

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