What's wrong with not being okay?

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*time skip*

we arrived at the train station with the class. Professor bitch was dressed in an over-the-top outfit from France. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic it was. We had to sit at the back of the train. I sat next to Kayano on the inside.

 During this time I was reading. The cover was black and there was no title. "Whatcha reading?" Kayano asked me. "A book, go away," I said as I continued reading. "Is it a romance story or a horror story? The wait is it an adventure story?" she asked. "It's just a story," I said. Something snatched my book out of my hand. I didn't care until I realized, my bookmark was of my friend Asano. "Nu fu fu fu, such a spicy story." koro sensei said. He continued reading when he got to my spot in the book.

"You're not supposed to be reading this!" he yelled his face pink. "Can I have my book back?" I asked looking for my bookmark. "No, I'm confiscation this," he said. "Can I have my bookmark back?" I asked. He felt around in his shirt before he panicked. "Did you lose it?" I asked. He nodded. "Okay," I said as I hung my head.

I frowned. "Looking for this thing?" Akabane asked as he held my bookmark in my face. I went to grab it but he pulled away just in time. "Not until you become my girlfriend," he said with a smirk. I frowned and sat back down. I went into my bag and got out my notepad. I started drawing when karma put the bookmark in my face again.

"So what is-" I cut him off with a huge pig snort. Yukio snorted back. I gave 2 more snorts before getting up and switching seats with Yukio. "Secret language I see," Maehara said to me. I rolled my eyes and continued to draw. "Hey, Yuko chan do you want a drink?" Kayano asked. "Yeah hold on," I said as I put my pencil in the middle of my sketchbook. I got up and followed them. We accidentally bumped into a few boys but continued to walk. I looked back to see they were looking at us. They are up to something.

*mini time skip*

We got off the train and got into groups. "Yuko chan~" karma would say to get my attention. I ignored him as we went into a shop. We ordered sweets. I ordered a parfait and sat next to Maehara. "You know your the only one that doesn't annoy me anymore," I said as I started to eat. "Yuko chan, don't say that. This classroom is filled with wonderful people, just try to see the good rather than the bad. That's what I did and I can't believe where it got me. I'm sitting here next to an angle. If you told me it would be like this when I wasn't in the end class I wouldn't have believed you. I'm glad this happened I've never had so much fun in my life. Hahaha, I'm rambling on, sorry." Maehara said.

I shook my head. "I like listening to you. You just so open to the world and it's kinda adorable. Never be ashamed of what you do. It's your choice, not others, you will get through it not them." I said. He looked away and ran his finger through his hair. "How did we get on this topic again?" he asked. We laughed. "He's a heartbreaker," Rio said as she walked by. I scoffed and stuffed my Parfei in my mouth. My head started to ring again. "Not cool, Rio. Can't I have fun?" I said as I got up.

"What do you mean by 'have fun'?" Yukio asked. "Why should I tell you?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. I don't usually do that. Actually, I don't do that at all. What's wrong with me today? "We don't hide secrets from each other. Tell me what's going on," he said. "Ha, funny. Acting as you care. I'd rather drown than tell you. Not like you do anything besides run away. I don't know why I'm so afraid of you. So weak, just like her." I said.

I wanted to shut my mouth but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything I felt control over. I wanted to cry and shout for help but I only yawned. "What? Can't handle the truth?" I asked. His hand collided with my face. "You do not talk to me like that, act like that, and even look at me like that. I am not your friend," he said. "And your not my brother either. I hate you." I said before I turned around and walked out of the building.

I wanted to stop but I ran. I hit a corner and stopped. I cried. Something I wanted to do. "What's wrong with me? Why did I say that? It hurts so much." I sobbed. My head rang again. I pounded my head. "Stop it stop it stop it!" I yelled. I need to calm down and take a breath. I have to apologize. If I can anyways.

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