Chapter 21

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"What'd you reckon Molly's going to give us this year?"

Liza gave a weak smile as she stared out the window of the Hogwarts Express. For whatever reason, her brothers had insisted that she share a compartment with them on the train ride home. Perhaps they had heard about her and Myra's falling out as she doubted that the Marauders would have let any detail of the incident with Remus slip. Still, it was unlike her brothers to reach out of their own accord.

"Oh, I know, Gabian." Fabian sat forward on his elbows, pushing his lips up into mock concentration. His ginger bangs had grown out so that they fluttered over his eyes. "Let me see. Possibly.. a jumper? Handmade? Blue yarn for me, maroon for you?"

"I bloody hate maroon," Gideon grunted, shoving himself to his feet as the train began to slow. "But how can I tell her when she stares you down with that smile?"

They both looked over at Liza. This was her cue to pull her face into a Molly expression, as she had done many times when they were children. Unfortunately, with the death of their parents, Molly had taken the role of mother more than she had big sister. It made her the target of a load of jokes. Yet, the three of them knew how lucky they were. Without Molly, they would all be lost without their anchor.

When Liza didn't respond, Fabian and Gideon just exchanged an exasperated look. They had tried to make her talk the entire ride with little success.

"C'mon," Gideon pulled his trunk down from above their heads, giving an exaggerated grunt. "Let's go have some real food."

Fabian just shook his head at his brother and waved his hand. His trunk hovered in the air for several seconds before following him out of the compartment.

"Oh." Gideon looked rather abashed. "Forgot we could do that."

Liza pulled herself to her feet before glancing down the aisle. The last couple weeks, she had avoided the Marauders at all costs. Even Sirius had kept his distance, quietly following her directions in Potions and keeping his comments to Snape at a minimum. She still wasn't sure what that meant. Was he angry? Disappointed? And most of all, why did she care?

Yet, Liza couldn't help but feel a deep shame whenever she was in close proximity. And Remus? She wouldn't meet his eye. Or perhaps he wouldn't meet hers. Liza could only imagine the "evil Slytherin" stories the Marauders had likely swapped in their dormitory.

Climbing down the steps, Liza stepped onto the platform and let out a sigh of relief. It was easy to dissolve into the crowd and she let herself float through the masses of students, not paying attention to her steps until she had reached her family.

Molly Weasley had Gideon by the ear while she smacked Fabian with the other, a comical sight for the witch's short stature. Her frizzy locks spun in every direction as she scolded her brothers firmly. Bill, her eldest, stared up at his uncles with wide eyes. He seemed rather mollified, as if it content that it was not just him at the receiving end of Molly's wrath. Charlie was much too busy trying to eat a piece of candy that was stuck to the pavement.

"Oi, what'd they do already?" Liza pushed her way through the last of the crowd, not bothering to be patient. A few scowls were thrown her way, but the emerald color of her robes discouraged any protests. Every now and then, being a Slytherin had its perks.

"Lizzie!" Molly beamed and her cheeks flushed a bright pink before she enveloped her sister in an enormous hug. Liza's air circulation was cut off as her sister forced her to lean down closer towards her height. She sank into the embrace, embarrassed to feel a wave of tears pushing against her throat.

Molly pulled back, sensing her distress. Her brown eyes narrowed in concern. "Liza? What's wrong?"

Liza waved a dismissive hand. "Just glad to be home." She glanced over at the steam that still billowed from the Hogwarts Express and tried to collect herself.

A Circle of Flame- Sirius Black x OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora