the Necronomicon

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It was another day of summer break for the gang but this time they were at a museum about ancient artifacts and objects that claimed to be magic or curse. Though only because Ina wanted to check it out. (y/n) was excited at first but once he saw what was inside he was interested in it. Especially since some of the artifacts there claims to be alien technology, whether the true or not it didn't matter to (y/n) all that much because he had the greatest technology made by aliens ever. But as (y/n) was checking at some of the artifacts there was a tour going which both Max and Ina were checking out with a few other people there as well. Their tour guide was an old lady who was explaining some of the ancient artifacts to the people there for the tour. The artifact she was about to explain was a mysterious looking book that was purple and had a strange symbol on it.

Old lady: Now people, may I have your attention here.

The lady asks as she shows off the mysterious book.

Old lady: this right here is an ancient book of unknown origin, a book named the necronomicon by the people who found it in a crater that they believed the book crashed landed on. Because of this, the people who found it believe it crash landed from outer space from possible other intelligent life forms. What is also believed is that the book had crashed landed on to earth possibly around the 1700s making it hundred years old but there are theories that it could be possibly thousands of years old.

She explained to the tourist as they all looked at the book with fascination, including Ina.

Ina: a thousand year old, can you believe that (y/n).

She asked in excitement to (y/n) who didn't seem to be as impressed as she was.

(y/n): a thousand year old, big whoop. Who cares about a thousand year book from outer space when you got the best thing in the world from outer space.

He said with confidence as he showed off the omnitrix to Ina who was annoyed by this.

Ina: well this too is from outer space, possibly made by aliens.

(y/n): yeah probably dork aliens, who are dorks like you.

He said to mock Ina which just annoyed her even more.

Ina: god you're so insufferable.

She said in an annoyed voice because of (y/n)'s behavior, but before they could continue their bickering. Seemingly out of nowhere, everyone in the room started to float up to the ceiling which caused everyone in the room to start to scream and panic believing something bad was about to happen. Once everyone floats up and stops at the ceiling, people continue to panic.

Max: something tells me that this isn't on the tour.

Ina: what gave it away!

She screamed with sarcasm in her voice. As she did, a red mist came out of one of the windows and floated around until landing right in front of the stand that carried the necronomicon. Then the red mist revealed itself to be seemling an old person with a red and black coat with a staff that looked like it had a skull of a bird on top of it. This person is a villain named Hex.

Hex: the necronomicon of the ancient ones. All of its infinite power will soon be mine.

He said as he then whispered a few words that caused the glass that held the necronomicon to break, as this was happening (y/n) pressed the button that made the faceplate of the watch go up so he could go hero and transform into one of her aliens. As this was happening, Hex used his power to have the Necronomicon float towards and into his hand.

(y/n): well it seem that it times to go—

Before he could even finish his sentence, Hex turned back towards everyone floating on the ceiling and pointed his staff at them which caused it to glow which caused everyone to stop floating and start to fall towards the ground which caused everyone to scream. As everyone started to fall towards the floor, (y/n) quickly slammed on the omnitrix, transforming him into Xlr8.

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