That idiot look.

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I woke up today just wondering what to do I was so glad not seeing the culture poland here sigh..also you may be asking wdym by that...Let me explain sigh... So for starters there are 2 different things one is cultural and one is human as you can see im human or you can just be born fully as a country.. I represent it so yeah all country's are enemy's.. but yk i can't explain more i got suspended from school!? HA they can suck my mother fucking dick if I care.. Like what did I do!? Just because i skipped school doesn't mean anything! UGHH Like why is this just me Czech ditched me for trying to proceed "his highschool dream" He's the only person I like then that shitty school. Like fuck me in the ass and cry about it. Until..

Lithuania:SIS YOU GOT SUSPENDED!?!! why would me a perfect angel get suspended!

Lithuania:then why did the school call me.

Poland:..w-wrong number..? heh..


He gave me a stare the would never get out of my head..The do you think im a stupid dumb idiot look.. well he is so that's just his normal face.

Lithuania:Your so lucky im just letting you live here! Now since you got suspended you can come with me to a party! Also you're going to be working cause Mr Ame thinks you're stupid too with having 8 suspicions over this whole year. AND ITS DECEMBER!

Poland:b-but!? YOU CANT MAKE ME!

Lithuania:I'm your guardian so yes I can also you'll see your ex Hungary there!

Oh god when Lithuania told me he just left smiling and laughing! Why me.. I rather it be like 1920's again at least I didn't had to go to school. I would've been a house wife.. Also not because many reasons as you can tell I do not want to be carrying idiot men kids. Like my children would wonder who's mom even. But if I have to go to this party just to work it off get me a sugar daddy or something please god.. Maybe just seduce USA I mean he got accused and with proof groomed kids.. and teenagers when he's like 50 years old.. God.. I might just text Hungary nephew to come join me.. I mean our country's self hate each other but god lord is he hot.. What am I talking about even..!? Did I just call my ex's nephew hot..? I'm scared even tho his nephew is like 1 year older than me who cares.. hot guys well I don't know the saying yk..  So i grabbed my phone and prayed on the goddess who had me to give me strength or God to NOT make me a pussy..

P:(hey gerrald!)

G:(what do you want.)

The fucking attitude just makes me wanna barge into his house and then start to fight him but it has to be a 2v1 because he's strong as hell.. like bro he should kiss me like his homies no homo tho.. what am I saying I'm a girl! He's a guy.

P:(excuse me for being kind and trying to invite you to that party yk.)

G:(im already going.. Ame adopted me remember so I'm forced to go!)

P:(well do you kinda wanna hang out there?)

G:(don't you have a job to do.)


G:(but sure i can stick around not like I have to do anything)

P:(you didn't answer my question but thanks..?)

G:(also ame made a party which is that but USA started to control it)

P:(okay ill see you their then! maybe wanna sleep and call? It would be fun yk)

G:(no cause i wanna sleep peacefully then hear you talking about how much you wanna fuck people.)

P:(FUCK YOU <3333)

G:(guten nacht bitch)


As that he left that on read. Lucky for him I know what guten nacht means! It means stay safe! ofc..! im joking btw don't come after me for it sigh... Now ima sleep cause im tired more then you right now reading this like hello I can break 4th wall? I know your gonna say "why is the mature?" oh because I like fucking guys up! Don't think the wrong way yet but yk im talking to myself! Sigh why am I here still loving this..

i fell asleep you idiot yawn!


hello! im the creator you can call me kesh, keshia,keshi

i love taking recommendation for what to do next! <3 also its a gerpol book so like yeah.. i mean not like country but its like my humans who represent the country so dw! their will be horny stuff for people who r horny! that's why its mature yall

anyways words are 843! also i just wanna she's in college which i hope you can get suspended please tell me if yes or no tyyy

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