Spicy..? (11+)

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A LITTLE NSFW (I mean a lot!)

Gerrald/germany pov!

So I as I said idiot texted me begging me to come to the party I think she forgot Ame/Amara adopted me from him.. ew that guy so i did the usual stuff got dressed and waited till 9pm..god fuck! This is going to be long.. longer then my hair yk..


It finally is 9pm! GOD YES not just because i see Poland but I get to be the center of attention a little.. maybe get called a few names? lovely ikr I got dressed into like an outfit that looks good not too good to get Poland's attention once she broke up with my uncle Hungary he started to listen to juice world for a whole week... or those sad songs for example tv girl. NO OFFENSE I LOVE TV GIRL <3333 but like tv girl don't need him ngl. like we ain't asking for a vent uncle Austria tried to cheer him up too but bro was crying..unless i get Poland back! might live be virgin-less but it will be a good revenge for Hungary poor heart..unless i get into it too.. which i hope I wont! I mean she's pretty.. and more.. but why would I go for her? she's popular and famous in her school every guy wants her.. but out of my league is at least sense..

Ame:hey son are you ready?

Ger:yeah I am.. how long do I have to be there especially yk who is coming like she's pretty and gets work down fast..

Ame:I mean might be fast! who knows? I mean all she does is clean and get all the people in.. I mean unless you trying to hit on her~!

Ger:never! NEVER! Sie wird mich angreifen! Und fick mich vielleicht! WER WEISS (She will attack me! and maybe fuck me! WHO KNOWS)

Ame:yeah whatever you said at the end yeah yeah

Ger:Why couldn't you learn german at least to communicate with me..

Ame:okay I will try to yk.. I love you

Ger:love you too mom..

Well I think it went well and don't come after me! I DO NOT LIKE HER..! like I don't care about her beautiful eyes or the way she yells at people for doing nothing maybe.. Or her hair how it automatically puffs.. I maybe just wanna kiss her that's all but that's all I need! AHA..


I zoomed out and now im suddenly in the party i notice poland just chilling talking to people and not doing her job? like.. not to be that snitch for homework but like if her suspension aren't going away she's definitely not sucking my dick for it.

P:hey germany what's up?

G:uh me?

P:no that other dumbass behind you

G:aha so funny! why don't we give you a cookie for that joke yk

P:okay okay now

G:so ain't you supposed to be doing your job?

P:don't worry i clone myself for one person so one of me is free the other probably stressing the ass off!

G:you're so funny.. but also that's smart at least coming from you.

P:I was always smart honey.

G:don't call me honey.. babe.

P:oh don't use flirtation on me pretty boy

G:im just spitting your "smart" facts at you

P:you're so funny.. *she came closer to him* so~..

G:..!!? hey.. *he started to turn red*

P:aww your blushing! how cute

G:u-uh i mean like.. um..

P:sorry like if i got to you I mean like..

G:I mean..I would really appreciate a k-

Wait do I really want a kiss..? from her I mean she's probably.. gonna use me for a game..? I should probably do the same.. I mean.. what could hut so much just a kiss from the hot girl probably get revenge and then boom! revenge for my sweet uncle who doesn't deserve it either tho im older then her by a year.. but I mean she's pretty hot wait im just staring right into her eyes zoning out! IM BEING A PUSSY RIGHT NOW!! I hear her calling my name asking a kiss or what? I should be a man and kiss her..

G:.. *he put his hands on her face*

P:hm..? *she started to blush*

G:*he pulled her into a deep kiss*


I think i messed up she's quiet..what if she doesn't..? I MEAN what if-

P:*she kept kissing him*

No one pov's!! <33 (for horny mfs)
after a few minutes of making out not what you think btw like kissing so don't get mad at me horny mfs.. anyways the seperated for a gasp of air as then Germany pulled Poland into his room as the continues to kiss slowly pushing on of each other onto his bed slowly they started to take off each other clothes slowly still kissing while gasping breathe they stopped almost they kept on trying more to as they both started to get more horny for each other she started to slide her hands down into his hips as he started to blush more and more.. She grabbed his slong (ah yes reddit thing word for dick) she started to move her hand up and down to make him moan a little as she slowly putted his slong in her kitty kat (yes kitty kat=pussy <333) they both gasped in air for as she was blushing she started to move up and down as it was very big more then what she expected as minutes passed by her moanings became louder by a little but then he covered her mouth trying to make her quiet down a little before they got caught a few more minutes later her legs started to shake a lot as he kept doing the dirty with her..after they finished doing the dirty they both was tired she was overstuffed and he was tired of trying to quiet her down.. he looked at her..

germany/gerrald's pov
as I looked at her.. I think there was too many hickeys on her..also from me.. people can tell it was me! oh god hungary is gonna kill me so bad.. even GE can feel it which unless GE is gonna let him touch me.. what am i Saying oh my god.. soon she started to snuggle next to me then once you know we fell asleep feeling her warm self on my chest..idk what to say but I gotta love that night.. and her...

hey yall im sorry for this horny blow out after 1st chapter :( btw they didn't know each other for a year they knew each other since past life! I will explain when I get character explanations! OKAY OKAY ILYSM!! enjoy this horny ass book and like I hope kids or under 9 year olds were reading this if yall was then I am so sorry I promise the next chapter would have less sexual stuff.. i swear :(

1193 words <3

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