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OMG IM ACTUALLY PROUD I MADE IT TO 102 VIEWS!! TYY and also someone star my book i feel really appreciated btw tysm! <3

so since about those ima make another book for yall! (yes im waisting my stay up time for school lol..)

anyways lets get started! since I said ima do an a-h pov on how it lead up to the event ima just do it lol

—-flash back—-

a-h pov(idk why im bringing her into it I just wanna show more of my characters lol)

I woke up in my room next to my forced husband..(yes she had one before ge.)Why couldn't I be free I mean like I'm a real country then him! All I care is about that very shiny diamond in the hallway always.. It' pretty.. Why can't i touch it!? It's not fair he can go near it! Then I stood up and took my candle so I can see my ways through the castle.. I was walking until I saw the beautiful.. Until i blanked out and saw I was touching it! Oh my god what did I do.. I tried to back away but the glow was too beautiful.. I couldn't barge to take my eyes off it.. But I knew the diamond wouldn't grant me anything since im a female..but to my children and the rest of the family...Oh what have I done..I didn't want children! But now I must have children oh what did I do.. Now I actually have to accept since I touched the diamond! no no no.. well I have to accept that.. I just ran back to my room pretending like I didn't do nothing till today.. oh my what have I done.. I just wanna cry..

—few months later when the both got shot—

..My head..How am I alive..? I'm supposed to be dead.. hurts.. wait where is ????(her husband name I don't know what to name him sigh..) As I was looking around people saw that I was alive and was shook as they ran up to me seeing if I was actually alive and that I wasn't about to.. as they saw I was alive they was surprised as they thought a man would be alive then a female.. this is why I hate y'all.. just bad at anyways but I just decided to ignore that after I was awake for a few minutes people was telling me bad news that ?? died and that its now I have to control the country since ??? died.. I messed up bad.. But now since I can't have children with him I need to find someone else.. Oh god.. As I walked to the meeting room the general already told me that they started to invade Serbia I tried to say that they can't because they are allied with russia and that it would backfire! But did they listen? they didn't and went threw with it! They are so dumb sometimes I mean I know we are going to lose well and fast at this point.. their is no helping us but they didn't take commands from a woman so I just let them believe what they wanna cause ??? would be saying the same thing! kinda.. he would tell me to get out and that its a "man business" oh isn't that quite annoying! Like is just everything a man business! I just stormed out of the room and closed my door just to be sitting there and to relax.. Why couldn't anyone listen to me?? Not like its gonna hurt them for just one slight command or anything! I just think it's smarter.. I mean I do got allies.. Ge, Ottoman empire, Bulgaria.. But they wouldn't help.. expect ottoman.. she is a woman and which her country listens to her at least! Mine isn't used to me yet. No fair. But other than since I touched that diamond my belly has been hurting more.. it really does and when I was in the hospital.. I saw that my hands were glowing but when they came it disappeared! I think it's pretty weird ngl.. So I just pretend nothing happened and I just woke up out of a coma I was in.. No one really visited me especially my allies.. They visited ?? mostly not me.. expect one but they wouldn't tell.. I decided to let it slide and to go outside for a while in my garden helps me cool down a little.. It helped me when I was a kid.. especially to my talkative mother. She sent me to an english school. I understood her language but not dad's.. But i promised to learn it later on.. but did I? well no! I walked to my garden and just sat down and relaxed.. I don't know what I would do without this garden it's my whole life mostly.. especially after my shot scar it healed a little that's all I must say.. Mom and dad are gone.. and big brother is ignoring me..? I sent him letters but he never responded I wonder why.. I didnt do nothing to upset him right..?

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