villians.(extra :3)

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I wanted to make a part like a little I decided to do so since this is my book! which I can make how weird I wanted it to be or cringy so yeah... also more characters then like 3-4 so yeah be happy im doing something then same 2 characters all the time..! :/ I wonder why people waste their time in this book like im staying up and lisnting to music while bored also thanks for 152 views lol. anyways image of the people!! <3

 anyways image of the people!! <3

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characters for each section btw!!

hero's:ame (fem), France(idk I was running out of characters design i KNOW..),Canada, Mexico (ill change later but he wears a cowboy hat cause I wanna sorry if it's disrespectful), east germany, japa(fem who's fixing her past)

anti hero's/anti villains: poland, belarus, germany

villains: Russia, Usa, North korea (when she is under evil self she had personality disorder), Ukraine, england (used to be uk)

so yeah to be continued with charcters if u wanna put custome made characters or more countries of ur own choosing message my discord!!: loveydovley_ :3 also design u want so ye and what place u want also east wont be in most of the stories cause why not!!

anyways lets start :p (yes their is only one ship here which is obvious by the book. Hey u might get annoyed but you clicked the book.)


*Canada's pov!*

I woke up today in my bed as I was stretching Could've not been better ngl I stood up and walked to my bathroom and start brushing my teeth wonder hey..How are mirrors made cause in minecraft its from sand? I hope it's true or im a stupid adult.. I went downstairs to see my sister sitting on the table sleeping peacefully.. Its funny how she got the cool powers then me.. and also mostly more beautiful then me ngl.. I don't wanna wake her up so I just grabbed a cereal bar and went with my day outside as I was exploring I passed by this person who looks like they are a military nerd and stuff.. weird boy,,

U:move it uncle.


U:omg u fucking old ass. MOVE IT GRANDPA

C:excuse me.. I'm actually very young in my age! and also its excuse me what's your problem!?

U:too bad too sad and also you're not my biological family so mostly I do not care what you say or anything from that old mouth of yours. So now if you like to move it would be nice or I would sadly have to use force for you to get out of my way.

C:jesus could've asked nicely.. *I went onto the side to avoid whatever he's up too*

I hate when people do that! Like you could've asked nicely then just asked rudely and also I look pretty young for my age... even though my sister is younger by like 4 years.. fine she's like 32.. im.. sadly like..(im struggling with 32+4 rn because its 1am when im writing this lol) im 36.. Yeah OLD.. but still he looked way older than me! So i just coniunted to walk trying to ignore that dumb.. fuck! Oh god.. Felt weird.. to say that ngl idk why.. but anyways I honestly don't know where I was planing to go actually so I decided to visit my best bud mexico!!.....

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