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well I am so sorry not for posting im kinda in a rush with this one.. Well mostly because like school and my milestones are coming soon and my whole writeable is due today so im screwed so this is gonna be a short story.. Because for me it's my Germany birthday which is April 16th! I might not post this on the 16th who knows.. but yk yeah he's also 24 so yeah he's old so if this is bad this is how much I am rushing right now..!
Germ pov
It's my birthday surprisingly and it's like it went by fast I really hate our birthday months. She's born on a December and I am an April so its a lot of waiting and actually planning something and then my birthday was fast but then I also asked her not to celebrate my birthday because the last time I celebrated is when I had my original family.. and also before USA almost killed me so I really hate my birthday for that but she kept insisting but I just denied it saying its fine. Btw before you asked what did she do? She promised she gonna get me something and ran out of the house. Does she not get it I have a whole trauma built up on my birthday even my biological dad hate my birthday because of reasons against me.. He did favorite my sister the golden child but then she didn't act like one she was actually very sweet..


oh my phone? Is that people spamming my phone with happy birthdays!? No way even snapchat!?!? NO. Well time to post a story.. Which angle is better none at all? Or just me covering my face...

Nothing at all is better so that's what I did and post the story saying "Guys.. Seriously I don't wanna celebrate my birthday chillax.. Thanks for people who did wish it but I really don't want it" With a drawn heart on the side. Ew I hate drawing that looks like a deformed circle then a heart.. Until then I heard the door open seriously that quick? Might as well say the cake is poised plus rats on the side. I walked to the kitchen and saw her trying to bake a cake until she saw me and started to yell at me to go back to the bedroom until she finished the cake and gifts so as a good bf.. I sprinted to the bedroom I ain't dealing with the yelling.. She gave me a death stare :/
First hour please help me
Second? Well smelt like she burned it and now re doing it I think she's rushing so bad right now..
Third hour and she told me to come out and all I saw was a beautiful cake she made me and gifts which I really do appreciated it but I had to remind her that I don't really celebrate my birthday since years but she just gave me a side glance so I just sat down quickly and then she gave me a slice of cake which I did eat. It was sweet so most enjoyable! After I finished the cake I opened my gifts which were new clothes.. I LOVE IT AHHHHH LANA DEL RAY? OMFG OMFG AYESHA.... AHHHHHHĦHHHHHHHHHHHĦHĦH I love it so much I just gave her a hug and put the lana del ray shirt on so quickly idk when im taking this off ngl.. But other then she promised me she's gonna make karpatka I love that cake too its sweet (don't ask why I put that cake my MOMA promised me it but then we gotta wait till my cousin send the real one.. Don't forget I live in USA and they live in Poland.) Best birthday ever..
Have a short story because now I realized I have to draw for this dude and then do my writable wish me luck chat :(((( Also happy birthday again little man!! (he will prob hit me if I ever saw him in real life and said that to his face)

688 words!

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