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It was never supposed to turn out the way it did. She was never supposed to hit two shitty moments five years apart. All she wanted was to just graduate from high school, go to college and get her degree, after which she'd be able to live the life she dreamed of living with Tara. However, the universe apparently had different plans for her.

It all started when Amber went to a party five years ago. At the time, things between the Loomis-Carpenter family and Silas, a very popular drug dealer, were fine. Neither party had any sort of bad blood and would even work together from time to time. The work was mostly Billy Loomis, the biological father of Sam Carpenter and stepfather of Tara Carpenter, pulling some strings to help Silas stay out of trouble, who would continuously sell drugs. That being said, it wasn't a great surprise for Amber to go to Silas' party.

It was the first time the raven haired girl had went to a party of his, and after what happened that night, it was the last time she'd ever come near him again. It ruined her and everything she had planned for her life. Or at least that's how it seemed like at that time. Amber was only sixteen with her whole life already planned out. She was happy, in love, a great student and someone who genuinely didn't have to worry about anything. Everything was well. And then it wasn't.

My oh my did she struggle to get back up on her feet after what happened. Imagine being all on your own, with no family, no friends, no girlfriend to help her out. It was only by mere luck did she find help from a childhood best friend who she had lost contact with years ago. Madison took her in and helped her get back on her feet, and for that, Amber would be forever grateful for. If it wasn't for Madison, then she probably wouldn't even be where she was now.

After that, everything was okay for Amber again. She ended up graduating from high school and was now in college, working on her Bachelor's degree in criminal justice, and had a beautiful daughter who was her everything. Nothing could go wrong now, could it?

Except that it did. Again. And Amber was now caught in another shit show that she had to get out of. How was she going to do that? Truth be told, even Amber didn't know. Unless, of course, she used the one and only option she had: getting back in contact with the girl she left behind five years ago.

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