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If Amber was able to hide certain things away from her daughter, it was not as easy to do with Maddy. That woman knew when something was off, which Amber appreciated, but also hated at the same time. Knowing that people worried about her, people who she didn't want caught up in her problems, made her worry more and feel guilty for bringing that worry to those around her. But with, Maddy, it was especially hard, as that girl had helped her so much in the last five years, that any sense of worry from her or an offer to help Amber with anything more than she already had helped her with just didn't sit right. That was why it was so difficult for her to open the door to her apartment where, just as she had suspected, her daughter and her friend, sat in the living room. The two of them were clearly waiting for her return, and Jade was quick to get up and run to her mother, happy to see her back home.

Amber crouched down, catching her daughter and picking her up, with a wide smile stretched across her face, "Hi baby."
"Hi Momma!" Jade responded, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "I missed you!"
Amber just smiled softly at her daughter, "I missed you too." Maddy had gotten up from the couch and walked over to her friend, still keeping a bit of a distance. This was a regular routine for them, and so neither woman was confused by the interaction. The ravenette looked over at her friend, "Thank you for picking her up and sitting with her."
The short haired blonde, with pink strands at the bottom of her hair, just smiled, "You know I'm always happy to help with whatever it is you need."

Amber knew that, and that's why it pained her when she came to the realization that she would have to lie about where she'd been and what she had done and with whom, but Maddy couldn't know the truth. It'd be too dangerous for her and for anyone involved. She had already put Tara's life in danger by coming to her for help. Though, Tara wasn't weak and knew how to fend for herself, as did the rest of her family and their entire friend group, Amber knew that the involvement would bring some sort of danger to her. She felt guilty for it, but what else could she do? It was her only option, her only chance to make things better for herself and for her daughter. Amber could not just go and ask anyone for the sort of help she needed, it would only be provided by Tara, who also knew what dangers and risks she was taking by even talking to Amber about it. Yet still, the twenty two year old decided to help...

"River, are you okay?" Maddy asked when the raven head stayed quiet for a bit. She was also one of the few people who referred to Amber by her middle name. Once she left Tara and started a whole new life, soon to be a mother at the time, Amber wanted a fresh start. That meant ghosting everyone who she was friends with or had grown up with, except for her immediate family. The only reason why Maddy wasn't cut off was because Maddy had moved away at the age of five, with Amber and her not talking for years, until they just so happened to run into each other at the new school Amber went to after she had given birth to Jade.
"Yeah, I'm okay." Amber replied, looking at her friend. "Just a bit exhausted."

Maddy nodded, though she knew there was something Amber wasn't telling her. And it bothered the blonde haired woman, but it's not like there was much she could do about it. If she pressed Amber any further, then Amber would just avoid the topic at all costs. Maddy had learned that long ago. They would talk when Amber was ready, if she was ever going to be ready to tell the full truth.
"Well, you should rest." Maddy said, "I can cook dinner or just order out, so that you don't have to worry about making food."
It was a sweet and simple offer, one that wasn't made too often because Amber always insisted on cooking, but this time around, she felt like she had no other choice but to accept it. She was too tired, too busy thinking about what was going to happen next, to be able to focus on cooking.
"We can order." Amber said shortly, before looking at her daughter. "What do you want to eat, babes?"

Jade smiled, and did a little wiggle in her mother's arms. The very few nights where they did order out were extremely special, and it was one of the few times when Jade could eat whatever she wanted.
"Can we order Chinese?" The young girl asked, giddy from the news. The adults chuckled, knowing the young girl's love for Chinese food, and Amber thought about how Jade could easily be Tara's daughter if the twenty two year old was actually able to produce sperm. Jade had a lot of similar tastes for food and drinks as Tara did, which took Amber by surprise. But hey, it was probably nothing but a mere coincidence, because how could Jade be Tara's?
"Yes we can." Amber smiled, giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead before setting her down. "I'm assuming you want the usual?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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