The Problem

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"Fuck! What the fuck?! What the fucking fuck am I supposed to do?!" Amber whisper yelled to herself. She was standing in the employee bathroom at her job, elbows down on the sink, face hidden in her hands. "Fuck!"

A couple of days ago, the raven haired girl was stopped by two cops, who apparently wanted to arrest her for dealing. In reality, all they wanted from her was her help getting to the one and only person she vowed to herself to never get near ever again, Silas Stewart. The girl didn't want to, but it's not like they were going to give her much of a choice. It's either she complied or they would Jade, her daughter, away. And fuck no was Amber going to do that. Jade was her everything, her light at the end of the tunnel, her reason for living, her reason to not give up and to keep fighting. Jade was Amber's rock. So what choice was she left with? She had to help Carcillo and Hernandez get to Silas if she wanted to keep her daughter.

Amber had just finished up her shift and was ready to head home to her beautiful daughter Jade. After working with the company for three years, the young woman was able to move up to an Assistant Manager position at the restaurant she worked at. It paid good money and helped her pay for classes, while keeping a roof over her and her daughter's heads. The only disadvantage was that she had to close the restaurant late at night, all on her own.

This night was just like any other, and after making sure the door was locked, Amber put on the red hood over her head, while counting the tips she made for the whole night. She was tired and ready to go home, when all of a sudden, police sirens went off, and a police officer stepped out of his car. Amber closed her eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh. This was the worst thing that could happen to her, especially tonight.

"Drop the bag!" Amber complied as the officer instructed her. "On your knees, right now! Don't fucking move!"

Hands above her head, the ravenette did as she was told. What the fuck could they possibly be arresting her for? She didn't do anything! The police officer quickly came over to her and cuffed her hands behind her back.

"Get the fuck up!"

She got up and was immediately taken over to the police shop, with another officer behind her and the one who cuffed her, holding her bag. They got her into the shop and soon after drove off. The entire time, Amber was grilling her head as to why she got arrested, but anytime she spoke, she was told to be quiet. And that's what she did, feeling like she had no choice. After all, anything she said could and would be used against her in court. She was a criminal justice major, she knew the rules.

After about a 20 minute ride, the shop was stopped and put into park mode. The ravenette looked out the window, knowing that she was about to lose everything. Both cops got out, and soon after, she did too. Walking through the doors of the precinct, she could see and hear all the yelling, cussing, beeping and whatever else you could hear at the police station. She went through the process of having her mugshot picture taken, as well as her fingerprints. No thoughts were in her mind at that point, other than her daughter.

Jade was at Madison's for the night, like she usually would be when Amber would work nights. The five year old girl was safe and being taken good care of. But what's going to happen if Amber doesn't come back to pick her up later tonight? What will Madison think? What will Jade think?

Once she was thoroughly searched, Amber was then taken through a hallway that lead to an interrogation room. She'd never been in one before, but had an idea of what they looked like: a dark room with a camera and a two way mirror. A chair sat in the middle of the room, and the ravenette was told to sit down. So she did, spreading her legs and crossing her arms. The two officers stood in front of her, one with a clipboard, the other just looking at her, waiting for his partner to start.

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