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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊

Scarecrows stand vigil in the wardrobe of our secrets, protectors of the forgotten stories that wait behind locked doors.

Finding Rowan at the academy had never been so difficult. When he wasn't in his lab, he was in the library, his keen eye grabbing new details from the magical world that intrigued him so much. And if he didn't learn more spells, he'd be napping around the academy on one of those sofas with a book or newspaper, indicating that he'd been waiting for her and then dragging her to one of the many hidden corners to make out. It had been an instance when they had been a popular academic couple.

Determined to find Rowan and report on the state of his still incomplete elixir, she moved with deliberate subtlety through the grand academic halls. And she needed to speak with him about the lunch situation.

Gazing into the herbology and lab corridors, as she had forgotten to inquire about the location of his lab this academic year, she made her way throughout the whole academy. She wanted to glance at him, to give him a hint about meeting her in their secret passage. Why was she so obsessed with the thought of his attention?

Just before that, Saphyrine had raced from a hearty lunch with Adryn to her secret lab, driven by an urgent need to check on Rowan's elixir. The pot had been bubbling, a sign of vigorous brewing, but the contents would not turn the correct shade of red. It was not finished once more.

Desperation. Time pressure.

Lost in her thoughts, she rounded a corner in the hallway and collided with two girls, causing one of them to tumble to the ground along with her scattered books.

"Oh, hey, Saphyrine," they both chimed in unison, quickly recognizing the potion expert known throughout the academy — everyone there knew her name.

Saphyrine immediately identified them as Loralie and Gissele, two first-year students she had occasionally seen around Finnian. She knew that one of them harbored an infatuation for Adryn Silvermoon — not sure which of them though.

The duo, seemingly like twins with their matching black hair, long and straight, and Egyptian-like features, were now struggling to gather their books by hand. Without hesitation, Saphyrine deftly cast a swift spell, lifting the scattered books back into their arms.

"Thanks, Saphyrine," Gissele expressed her gratitude, offering a warm smile, standing up.

Saphyrine grinned back.

Loralie, however, seemed to have other priorities, swiftly taking her books and strolling away. "I have to go, I'm already late. Byeee."

Gissele shrugged, seemingly accustomed to her friend's sudden departures, and turned to Saphyrine with a friendly snicker. "You're friend with Arietta, right?" Seeing Saphyrine nodding Gissele smiled and gestured behind her, "Well, I better head to my lab. Thanks again!"

Saphyrine stunned by the whole situation just waved her hand and watched Gissele disappear down the corridor. 

Resuming her search for Rowan, she continued through the academy's labyrinthine halls.

As she couldn't find him and decided to head to their secret place, Saphyrine peered through a one tall window in a great hall. Looking outside, she noticed him in the great academic garden, lying on one of the benches, breathing softly. This boy could fall asleep almost anywhere. The golden sun rays were outlining his perfect figure, as if he was sunbathing in the middle of March — so Adryn had not been lying about it the day before.

𝐒𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now