part 34

201 13 2

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In the hospital where the blue eyed boy was confined, outside a black looking expensive car parked by n the front.

Some passerbys can't help but look at the car.A a tall kind of intimidating  man wearing a red  button up shirt and black pants pair with black shoes.After closing the door in the driver's seat he then go to the passenger sit and serve to open the door.

Dung-yul, a woman in her 40s , still the elegance and her beauty can't be compare to a lot of beautiful young girls.

Like an escort the man gladly open the door for Stepping out they both enter the hospital.

Dung-yul walked where the nurse that can provide information about room.She asked about her child  hospital room .

" May I know which one  does Takemichi Hanaga-....... I meant Hanage . Takemichi Hanage."Dung-yul

How could I forgot  my son does use fake last name!.

Nurse :"my I ask  the relationship of the visitor?"

Dung-yul use a fake I'd card with Hanage last name also handing another one for the man in his side.

Nurse:" alright ma'am your son is in this room one of our vip ones."
(Just to clarify it's not a private H. but a public one let's just pretend there was a vip  since mommy dung - yul pays  lot)


Going closer to the door , Dung-yul already see the depressed look of the other teenager waiting in the chair.

Dung-yul :'must be his friends'

Before clicking the knob of door to Takemichi' s room , Dung-yul got stop by a
a blond haired teenager which is Mikey.

Mikey stand -up from his chair and look at the tall like model women opening the door .He was confused for the reason that he don't know her and  his gaze also landed at the man beside her. The tattoos on the person's skin can be one of a sign that his not ordinary and the build of the body of the guy in the red button up shirt its muscles and scars .The woman also have a cold aura in her which made Mikey raise his guard up.

" I'm sorry for interrupting , but who are you?"

Mikey eyes glared at the two new visitors of his friends ,it may seem rude but he can't help it the guy who has tattoos for some reasons make his blood boil.

Dung-yul then stop.She stretch out her lip and smile a little enough to show her satisfied smile.

'My son does truly have a friend ?'

" Isn't it more be be respectful if you name your self fist young man?"Dung yul turn to look at Mikey ,which giving a little bit scare of frost.

Dung-yul doesn't have intention to scare this teenagers it's just that her son has a truly unique way of making friends.She can tell that the this teenager are really interesting just first looking at that void like eyes  of the blond she can tell this kid is strong.(she meant Mikey)

Before even the  atmosphere became more frozen Draken interrupted the two  by walking side to side by Mikey and puting his  hand over Mikey's head ,Draken made  Mikey bow for his  bad impression remark,while the one who his eyes got lowered glared and surprised by Draken action.

Draken:"I'm sorry for his attitude ma'am  it's just he can be a be  protective over your-- son right?"

Dung-yul   gaze  change from Mikey to Draken.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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