8 - Rabbit is fucking insane

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"I'm not going with your crazy plan." You hiss.

This is met with a huff, and a clearly frustrated voice as the young man replies, "Fine. Have it your way, rot inside that little cell if you want. But that's not what I'm doing."

You roll your eyes, and the both of you stew in your silent irritation. The vehicle comes to an abrupt stop and the both of you try not to lose your balance and fall onto the floor. The giant door of the military vehicle slowly lifts up to reveal soldiers, armed to the teeth with an intense disposition. "Both of you out with your hands up, now!"

You look to your right as you make your way outside of the truck, and you finally know what Rabbit looks like. You can see a determined look in his baggy brown eyes as he ignores your presence. You step outside, hands raised as you are frisked. You sigh as the man takes away the shiv you'd kept inside of your shirt, but the momnt is cut off when you hear the quick pitter patter of Rabbit's steps.

He's made a break for it.


His escape attempt doesn't last long, and it ends with a BANG! and a bullet to his face. Your ears ring and you raise up your hands and flinch while you take a few steps back. Blood rains in the sky and drops to the ground along with him and the spilled, goopy contents of his head. His body twitches, and you can only look on as the soldier calls for a cleanup on his radio.

You flinch when the blood pools close to your foot, and your stomach churns in disgust at the little grey pieces of whatever's left of his brains.


"You're next if you try to do the same thing." You nod in reply and you continue walking on with the two soldiers like normal. You don't question them, you'd rather not piss them off more than Rabbit already did for you.

And as the soldiers are leading you to the facility, you can immediately tell you're not in a safe haven. Giant military compound... no other survivors than you around as you watch the bulldozers clean up piles of infected bodies. How long has this been going on again? Nevermind that, what do they want with you and what are they planning to do to you?!

You feel relieved when you are taken inside the building for a split second, relishing the safety of the (hopefully) fortified building and the air conditioning you were deprived of when the power went out back at the prison. But then you remember you're probably going to be treated exactly like a prisoner all over again when you pass by other people locked inside reminders in the form of tiny rooms guarded by more soldiers. And you don't feel any less fearful when you're taken into a clinic, with another soldier standing next to a doctor who holds out a dish for you to spit in.

"Spit in the dish." The soldier barks an order at him.

You hesitate at the soldier for a minute before you spit inside the dish, hoping that you're immune or something.

The doctor gives a weak smile. "Look, I can explain what's happening."

The doctor explains to you that you and Rabbit are both asymptomatic carriers, which means that you both still harbor the virus despite not having any symptoms. This realization makes you look back to the hours before when you were inside the infirmary. How many people did you infect?! How much of the ensuing outbreak was your fault?! Your stomach churns and your heart races as you look pleadingly at the doctor, pleading him to tell you that what he just said was some kind of sick joke or something.

This breaking moment is then interrupted when you are ushered back to your isolation chambers, and you curl up into a corner.

Continue to 12

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