Chapter 5

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Anntonia found herself on a balcony overlooking a very nice view of the setting sun.

She hadn't realized it was past 6pm. She must have been asleep for about a few hours.

She pulled out her phone and wasn't that surprised at all her notifications. She had received so many messages from friends and family, asking if she was okay. Obviously, they must have seen what had happened at the airport.

She also had a few missed calls from Chatnalin. New York is 3 hours ahead of Las Vegas, but surely, her best friend wouldn't mind her calling. It wasn't that late. She first answered the messages, ensuring everyone she was fine, and she called her best friend.

"Phi!" Lin had answered on the first ring. "Are you okay?! Where are you? Priya didn't know where you are, too, and—"

"Lin, breathe! I'm okay!" Anntonia reassured the girl.

"Thank God!"

"Yeah..." Anntonia trailed off, not really knowing where to start with all the jumbled thoughts in her head.

"So... what happened? You never answered me where you are now, phi."

Anntonia looked into the distance. "I'm still with Michelle. She drove us to her house here in Vegas, because there was too much chaos at the hotel, too, apparently."

"I saw video clips of that. You two are trending again, by the way. Getaway Car (PorDee's Version)," Lin laughed, trying to make light of the situation.

"Whatever." The older girl rolled her eyes at that, but smiled nonetheless-she's always thankful for the great reception that fans had with regards to her and Michelle, especially after all these years. "I'm surprised they're still supporting us, you know. We never really fulfilled any of our promises," she said, her voice filled with regrets.

"You know that wasn't your fault."

"I know... I guess I'm just overwhelmed. There were so many people! I almost had a panic attack earlier, to be honest."

"Aww, phi, I wish I was there for you. But hopefully, it won't happen again because Michelle told them off," Lin said, and again, Anntonia could almost picture a smirk on her face as she said that.

"What do you mean Michelle told them off??"

"It was a gentle reminder, don't worry. You don't have to scold Daddy for being harsh on the children."

"Shut up, Lin."

Lin laughed but she fed Anntonia's curiosity, "She posted a voice message on her broadcast channel, and she told fans to be careful next time. She said that even though you love them—the fans, you were still too overwhelmed and that you haven't been used to that in a long time."

Anntonia's heart warmed, "Oh... that's nice of her, I guess."

Lin hummed in agreement. "Yeah, so cut her some slack, okay? Talk to her. That's what you're there for, in the first place."

"I will, I will," Anntonia answered. "I just wasn't expecting to see her that soon. I thought I'd at least have a day to prep myself."

"I get it, you didn't expect your knight in shiny leather jacket to come rescue you. But I bet you're glad she did," Lin teased again.

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