Extras #17: The Tortured Dada Club

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A/N: For max and ash, the thorns on my side that I can't quite take out. Lol.


From birth til now, Michelle and Anntonia had already noticed Andy's preference—Mama was her favorite parent, but she was definitely Dada's little girl. 'Ma' was her first syllable word, but it was 'Da' that she shouts the most.

At 6 months, it was clear that Andy was a mini Anntonia in all her physical features, except her eyes. She has this adorable toothless and gummy smile, and her eyes turn into half moons just like Dada's.

But the most Anntonia-trait was her clingy nature—Andy loved being cuddled. She loved sleeping in Mama's arms after being breastfed, loved the sound of Mama's voice as she sung a lullaby. She also loved bath time with Dada because she loved splashing in the water—definitely a trait she inherited from her beach babe parent.

She was Mama's angel and Dada's little princess.

In conclusion, Andy was a perfect combo of PorDee's lovable traits.

But... she was also chaos personified.

Yup. Exactly like her parents.


Andy's day starts off early. Very very early.

So early, it was still dark. Very very dark.

Michelle and Anntonia had barely gotten any sleep. They had been swapping almost every hour in carrying Andy. Getting the little baby to sleep was almost impossible, and when she finally does and they try to put her on her crib, she would instantly let out a cry of attention—the little princess would just not have it.

She would cry her little lungs out, only stopping once her Mama or Dada carries her again.

And so that's how it was until midnight—Anntonia had finally managed to set Andy down on her princess crib.

And with that, Michelle and Anntonia plopped face first on their bed—there wasn't even any time for pillow talks and kisses, only exhausted sighs and cuddles.

There was finally some peace and quiet.

...until Andy decided to be her parents' personal alarm.

Even without the baby monitor, they could hear her. Her loud cries reverberated throughout the house—the couple wouldn't be surprised if they get a police notice the next day for possible abuse, only the abuse was on them and not their baby.

"Mich, turn it off," Anntonia mumbled as she buried her face further into Michelle's neck.

Even in her delirious state, Michelle managed to make a face at her wife. "Turn what off? That's your baby, woman."

Anntonia groaned and peeked at the clock on the wall. "It's 3 in the morning. That's your baby, darling."

And that was true. Andy was definitely a 3am club member—the new president because she was the boss. And as if to prove a point, Andy's cries grew louder and more shrill.

"You know she wants you, darling," Anntonia mumbled once more, pushing at Michelle.

"How would you know?"

"She only wants you at 3am."

And that was also true. Again, to prove a point, Andy cried out, "DAAAAAAA!"

Anntonia grinned to herself.

Good job, baby. Call for Da.

"Don't make the princess wait, Da," Anntonia added as she untangled herself from her wife, pulling a pillow to hug instead.

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