Extras #19: Waiting...

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A/N: Skip this if you want to. Just wanted to share what made me republish again. I just woke up from possibly the longest sleep I've had in a while. I was on some of the most horrible consecutive night shifts I've had in a long long while. I've had it real shitty these past days. And earlier, at the last couple of hours of my last shift, one of my patients deteriorated. To cut the story short, I was only able to go home about an hour and a half after my shift ended. He was stable, but still looked worse for wear. I went to see him before I left, wishing him to get even better throughout the day. He asked me if I was back tonight, and I said no. And then he surprised me with a hug, all while he was connected to this obnoxiously loud bipap machine that's helping him breathe. And he told me, "I hope you know you're appreciated. I can tell you have passion in everything you do." And my god, I almost cried.

And then reading back to all your comments, and all those who left me messages... you guys do make me feel appreciated. You guys are probably tired of my whiny ass, but oh well. Anyway, this is just a short one. Idk if I'm gonna be writing long ones any time soon, but at least, you have the previous chapters back. I promise never to take it away again. (just don't copy it, or you'll meet my Aries side)


"I'll wait for you."

Sometimes, we take those words for granted.

It's something so simple. It's not as carelessly thrown into conversation like "thank you" or "you're welcome". And it doesn't bear as much weight as "I love you" or "I miss you".

But in a way, it encompasses all that.


Michelle has always lived by the belief that time is the greatest resource. You could be the richest man in the entire existence of mankind, and it was still something you can never buy. You can't stop it, and you can't get it back.

So, Michelle values it. She respects it. She spends it wisely.

Time waits for no one...

...and yet, she waits for Anntonia.


From the moment Michelle met Anntonia, it was something she's unconsciously started doing.

During that pageant, they've been inseparable.

And Michelle found herself doing something she hated doing—waiting on someone.

But there she was, standing off to the side as she waited for Anntonia to finish whatever conversation she was having at that time.

And everyone noticed that. There was even that famous video among fans, of Michelle standing by as Anntonia finished taking pictures with her fans.

"You don't even wait for your alarm to go off! You're awake before it!" Rhian had told her when they spoke on the phone. "You even left me once because you couldn't wait for me!"

"Well, you were taking too long!" Michelle retorted.

"I was just peeing, DeeDee!"

Michelle clicked her tongue in dismissal. "Minor details."

"It is so not! Just admit it, you wait too much on this girl."

"That's not true."

That was what Michelle said.

But she knew it was a lie.

She waited on Anntonia... all the damn time. It was innate.


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