Chapter 8

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Anntonia took one last glance at her reflection on the mirror, satisfied at what she's seeing. She's hot, and she can't wait to see Michelle's reaction.

She went back to basics, choosing a casual dress that showcased the perfect curve of her hips and showing an ample amount of her legs and thighs. Oh yeah, she wanted to be Michelle's eye candy today.

*knock knock*

"Ann...? You done yet? Food's here, babe."

Anntonia smiled at herself in the mirror, "Show time."

She stepped out the bathroom, her every step oozing with confidence. She felt like she was competing in the pageant again, eager to please—only this time, she only wanted to please one person.

And said person was stunned the moment she saw Anntonia, seemingly spellbound as her eyes feasted on the sight in front of her.

Mission accomplished.

Anntonia smirked. "My eyes are up here, babe."

Michelle promptly looked up, their eyes meeting.

Anntonia's breath hitched at that intense look in Michelle's eyes, her orbs almost trying to bore into hers.

The actress closed the distance between them, her hands finding their way on Anntonia's hips. "You look absolutely exquisite, Miss Porsild. You take my breath away."

"Charmer," Anntonia replied, trying but ultimately failing to fight the growing smile on her lips. She let her gaze wander, her turn appreciating the other woman's outfit. "You look very dashing yourself, Miss Dee."

Michelle smirked back. She did feel pretty dashing in her outfit, too. She was donning a flight suit, but not the usual flight uniform—it's obviously been modified to look high-fashion. She had the front of the suit partially unbuttoned, revealing one of her signature white tube top. And instead of her favorite wayfarers, she's wearing aviator sunglasses to match with the theme.

"You look way too prepared for someone who was just asked for help to fly a helicopter today," Anntonia commented.

Michelle flushed, rubbing the back of her neck. "I might have planned for this long before I got here—not the touring the delegates part—I just... I wanted to take you... as a date," she admitted.


She wanted this to be a date. I'm so stupid. If I had just said yes when she asked, it would've been just us. Now, 6 other girls are tagging along. Great. Good job, Anntonia.

"Hey," Michelle tilted her chin back up so they see eye to eye. Again, it's as if she could read what was on her mind. "You don't have to feel bad about rejecting me. We go at your pace, okay?"

Anntonia pulled Michelle into a tight hug, her arms around the girl's shoulders. "You're amazing, you know?"

Michelle chuckled. "I know."

That, of course, made Anntonia laugh and hit her arm.


Aside from the MU team and some selected press people, Michelle and Anntonia were the first ones at the heliport, mainly because Michelle wanted to personally do the checks on the helicopter she'll be flying.

Michelle had been so giddy the moment she laid eyes on the luxury helicopter. She was like a kid in a toy store, going back and forth and around the helicopter.

Anntonia might not know much about aircrafts, but she had to agree that it looked beautiful and expensive. It was in Michelle's favorite color, too. It was black with golden trims and accents, bearing the Miss Universe logo.

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