Extras #11: A little blood won't hurt

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A/N: Since I got called out for it, here it is. This one's for you again, Lilijen. Stop trying to predict me, lol. Anyway... Thank you all for your warm comments. Still feeling crappy, but better because you guys rock! Glad for this fam, much love. xxx j


Anntonia was very supportive of Michelle's acting career. She was very proud of her, and she must admit, she agrees with everyone else when they said that Michelle best suited her roles in action movies.

Michelle had always been very athletic, and very perfectionist. All her fight scenes and stunts—Michelle trained for it all and she did it all herself. And she did it with flair and so much swag. It was rare that she took a stunt double.

Anntonia wasn't a fan of the fact that Michelle was unnecessarily putting her life in danger with every stunt, but she always caved as long as Jonah gave the all-clear that it was safe. And to be honest, most times, Michelle just doesn't tell her about it—she only mentions it after the deed was done.

And it just so happens, there was this upcoming scene in her action movie sequel—a rowdy motorbike scene. Not just any typical motorbike chase scene, nope.

Michelle's character was supposed to ride through the Mojave desert, with planted bomb mines going off one by one as Michelle rode past. Aside from that, an 'enemy' helicopter was also supposed to be 'firing' at her while all the chaos in the ground happened.

It was a very risky scene, and Jonah urged Michelle to use a stunt double this once—but of course, bullheaded Michelle said no.

The girl was even ecstatic, already anticipating the feel of adrenaline in her veins. Damn, she really loved the high of it, the feel of her heart racing and her blood rushing to pump more blood in her system.

"Nobody would fault you for using a double, Mich," Jonah had told her, trying to talk some sense into her while they were still waiting for the crew to finish the whole set up. It would take about an hour or so for that, so Michelle had time to rest and prepare herself.

"I know that, but it's still a no," Michelle answered.

Jonah wanted to wring all his hair out—he felt like he's aging prematurely with how stubborn Michelle was at times.

But Michelle wasn't budging.

"Besides, I'm supposed to be an endorser for Ducati—I need to be the one riding it, Jo," she added, feeling smug and secure at her sound argument.

Jonah just rolled his eyes at her. "Suit yourself," he said before leaving her trailer.

Unbeknownst to Michelle, Jonah was already texting Anntonia and asking her to come. It was a good thing Anntonia had some business nearby.

The businesswoman promptly replied and said she'll be on the set as soon as she can.

Jonah smirked.

Let's see you say 'no' to your boss lady.


Almost an hour later, Anntonia arrived on set, just as the crew was doing the final checks.

"She's all yours," Jonah pointed her to where Michelle was currently speaking to one of the stunt engineers.

"Are you sure the bike's all good? I swear it sounds a little different than what I'm used to—there's this odd hum by the carburetor. I don't want to have a bad throttle response when I have to be speeding—"

The crew guy interrupted Michelle's rant, rudely if Anntonia may say so herself, "Look, Miss Dee. With all due respect, I know what I'm doing. And you insinuating something is wrong after I personally did the final check is an insult to my competence as an engineer."

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