Extras #7: Bad Habits

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A/N: Trigger warning for the kiddos. Mention of drugs and slight SPG. Stay away, babes.


Michelle and Anntonia never kept any secrets from each other. Honesty was their biggest rule in their relationship, and that's how they lasted so long and will forever be so.

Now that they're married, Anntonia can honestly say she knows Michelle inside and out. But every day, she's learning something new—Michelle had always been a complex person, almost like a mysterious puzzle that's yet to be solved or decoded completely.

They were currently on their honeymoon. A 12-day Euro trip, with 3 days each in 4 countries.

Of course, being the doting partner she always was, Michelle had planned the itinerary. Anntonia was just there to enjoy the ride and look pretty while at it.

They are now on their third leg of their trip. They had been to London, then Paris, and now, they're headed to Amsterdam before finishing off in Rome.

Michelle had been most excited for this part of the trip.

Amsterdam was all about the laid back and almost hedonistic lifestyle—great historical buildings and artsy aesthetics, delicious food and beer all around, and of course, the famed Red Light District.

Anntonia thought she'd seen it all, having lived in America for years, but the Red Light District was something else.

Today was their second night and that's where they're headed now.

"I'll be honest with you, babe," Michelle said as they walked the beautiful streets of the 'Sin City'. "I've been here before... a couple of times..."

Anntonia cast a side glance at her new wife. "Well, I already know about the two Camila and Maya—which I still can't believe you hooked all three of them, by the way. Do I want to know who else with?"

Michelle laughed. "Probably not."

The Thai woman huffed. "I'll know, one way or another."

"Fine, I'll tell you later, but you have to promise not to get mad or jealous. We don't want a repeat of that viral 'Porshield' video."

"Darling, I thought you know me by now."

Michelle stopped them in their tracks and stood in front of her wife, showing off that charming half-moon smile. "Woman, there's no need to be jealous. I'm already yours, now and forever and a day."

Anntonia lifted both hands to cup at the other girl's face, squishing her cheeks and giving her a kiss, "And I'll always be possessive of you, now and forever and a day."

"You're stubborn," Michelle whispered against her lips.

Anntonia grinned. "You and I both know you're more stubborn than me."

Michelle rolled her eyes, then. "Yeah, yeah," she leaned in and captured her lips into a fiery kiss.

The two momentarily forgot they were in public, lost in their own world. But they got interrupted as a group hollered and catcalled at them.

The newlyweds instantly broke apart and blushed—Michelle shot them a smug grin before pulling Anntonia away and back to their leisurely stroll.

They walked for a few minutes, before Anntonia noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere. The air was charged with a familiar aura—electric and enticing.

Michelle kept her firm hold on Anntonia, her arm around her wife's shoulders and guiding her through the streets.

Anntonia couldn't keep her eyes from widening and dilating every few seconds. What she read on the internet about the Red Light District is nothing compared to what she's seeing now. She found herself blushing as her eyes briefly met one of the 'women' as they passed a 'window'.

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