Extras #27: But Dada I love her!

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A/N: Just some random chapter of Andy simping over Taylor Swift, lol. If you don't like Taylor, then this chapter is a skip for you, sorry to say. Here you go, master max. I hope it's satisfactory.  😬


Andy loves music.

Just like her Mommy Anntonia who loves singing and dancing to anything and everything, Andy absolutely devours any piece of music that graces her tiny precious ears.

She loves happy pop and dance songs like her Mommy.

She loves badass rock music and broody R&B sounds like her Mama.

She belts out to Disney songs during bath time.

She mellows out with classical music during coloring and handwriting practice time.

But there was one thing she loves above all the type of music there is.

Taylor Swift.

Andy absolutely adores Taylor Swift—no, that was an understatement. Andy freakin' LOVES Taylor Swift. Down bad, she is.

Ever since the little toddler stumbled upon The Eras Tour Concert Film on Disney Plus, Andy had instant heart eyes for the blue-eyed blonde phenomenon.

Michelle still remembered that day. Her jaw dropped upon seeing Andy moony-eyed and starstruck in front of the television. She had never seen Andy so quiet and focused on what she was watching.


Andy didn't answer, still mesmerized by the sparkling lady on screen singing about summers, bars, and cars.

Michelle was about to say something, but Anntonia showed up beside her and momentarily distracted her as per usual.

"What's going on?" Anntonia asked, questioning the confused tilt of Michelle's head and the dumbstruck expression on her face.

Michelle only pointed towards Andy and the television screen.

Anntonia followed her line of sight and immediately laughed. "Oh..."


"Looks like somebody has a tiny crush on Taylor Swift," Anntonia answered.

Michelle made a face at that. "A crush? She's 3 and a half, babe!"

"She's your kid," was Anntonia's only reply to that, as if that was answer enough.

"It's probably just the song, it's a real bop and—"

Michelle stopped in mid sentence, as they heard Andy let out an adorable sigh.

Michelle and Anntonia turned to look, silently watching as Andy clasped her hands together, laser eyes still focused on the screen.

"So pweetty," they heard their little girl mumble and Michelle's jaw dropped.

What the fuck??

Anntonia laughed again at Michelle's hilarious reaction and went to sit on the floor next to Andy, cradling the little girl on her lap.

Andy briefly snuggled in her Mommy's arms before turning back towards the screen, pointing, "Who she, Mommy?"

"That's Taylor Swift, little darling," Anntonia replied, softly kissing the side of Andy's head.

"Taylow Sweeft?"

Anntonia hummed back in confirmation.

Andy smiled back at the screen. "She's pweetty, Mommy... and sweet... and she sings bette' than you and Mama."

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