Chapter 3.

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The week rolled by and it was weekend, me and Toni made plans to go swimming at her boyfriend's house. I handed my mom some money and went to Toni's house. When I got there she was already gone I texted her so she can tell me where this place is and I was surprised to see it was just out of town.

When I got there it was quiet and I wasn't quite sure I was at the right place but low and behold here comes Toni with a big muscular guy close behind her. "Jessie!" She shoves my bike aside and grabs me in a hug. "Hey Toni" I smile at her. Feeling eyes burning in the back of my head and I turn around. Veronica. I look at her kinda guilty and a 'I can explain' look but she's already annoyed so I say "hey I didn't know you'd be here." She looks at me with a blank face "yeah Toni invited me" I look over to Toni who's making out with the muscular guy, for the first time ever I'm glad shes making out with someone she barely knows. "Cmon" I tell Veronica "let's go swim" she hurries in front of me and I look her up and down confused because she's seems fully dressed. We get to the pool and Veronica excuses herself to the bathroom. I hold my hand out to introduce myself to the stranger who's pool I'm about to get in to, he reluctantly shakes my hand and says "hey, I'm Zion. I think you were at Toni's party the other day?" I don't recognize him but I assume he's the guy Toni was making out with on her couch before I left and met Veronica I shake his and and say "I'm Jessie, Toni's best FRIEND" he looks a little less hostile now and I'm instantly relieved because I DO NOT wanna get another nose bleed.

Veronica comes out right after Toni and Zion got into the pool, as I'm taking my shirt off I catch a glimpse of Veronica's bare body her bikini seeming too small but just the perfect size at the same time, I feel my cheeks getting red and I can see that Veronica is also blushing eyeing my faint but noticeable abs. Toni looks over to me and yells "you should probably close your mouth before you start to drool!" She and and Zion laugh as if it's the funniest thing in the world and I just bow my head down walking towards the pools stairs with Veronica close behind. I hold my hand out to help her into the pool and she takes my hand and slowly gets into the pool. Her hands are soft and I can't help but imagine her touch all over my body, I shake the thought out of my head and step into the cold water.

The water is ice cold and my body struggles to adjust to the water, my teeth are chattering a little and I feel a warm hand on my shoulder as I turn around i see Veronica her hair is wet and slicked back and the sight of her sends a shock wave down between my legs. She looks me in the eyes, she gestures to the floatie and says "you can get on that and I'll push you to the sun... Your clearly cold..." She looks at my chest and I have nipple stands... I quickly cross my arms over my chest and I get on the floatie and she gently pushes me toward the sun. Toni and Zion are in the hot tub making out, leaving me and Veronica alone in the pool. I float around for awhile and get close to Veronica she's laying on her back and I make splash her with a little water she looks at me surprised but smiles and yells "your going down!" I quickly get down from the floatie and start blocking her splashes, "no fair! I wasn't ready!!" I make a fist and slam it on the surface of the water it makes a big splash and I hear water on the concrete and before I can turn to see who it is Zion yells "CANNONBALL" and he jumps into the pool making a huge wave. The wave softly knocks Veronica over sending her floating towards me I catch her by her waist before she hits the pool wall. She looks at me with surprise and her cheeks light up as she looks into my eyes and feeling my hand on her waist, I slowly pull my arm away when I hear Toni yelling "JERONIMO!" She jumps into the pool and I shield Veronica from the splash holding her tightly as Toni and Zion argues about who's splash was bigger. When I look over to Veronica shes already out the pool and ready to jump in as well "Wait!" I tell her "let's jump in together!" I hurry out the water and I take her hand as we jump in together, time seems to slow down as I see her under the water, she looks at me another blank expression on her face when she grabs my hands closer to her and onto her waist and then pulls me into a kiss. Her lips are soft but hungry we don't have much air left so we break apart and go to the surface. My head is spinning, not sure what to think I looks at Veronica questionably and she refuses to make eye contact.

Toni and Zion got out of the pool after our splash and came out with 2 joints, one for them and one for me I assume, I grab a towel and get out of the pool taking the joint from Toni's hand and I sit on the lounge chair where my clothes is and trying to find my lighter. Veronica grabs a towel as well and sits next to me, making sure she's not touching my cold skin. She bends down to help me look for the lighter and when I glance over at her I can't help but sneek a peak at her cleavage. She holds up the lighter victoriously and hands it to me, my hand brush against her cold soft skin. I light up my joint and toss the lighter to Zion who does the same and tosses it back. "This is the best shit, get ready to feel like your on top of the world" Toni says as she takes the joint from Zion. I take a few hits when Veronica holds out her hand wanting to take a hit as well, I look at her and say "what?" She looks at me confused and says "I wanna get high too" "I thought you didn't do drugs?" But I reluctantly give it to her and I notice Toni sitting up right to get a better look at what Veronica is going to do. Veronica looks at me and says "so do I just... Suck it?" I chuckle and say "yeah, you don't have to y'know" she looks at the joint and puts it between her lips and gently inhales the smoke. A few seconds later she starts coughing and darts her eyes around everyone and asks "how the hell are you guys smoking this on a daily basis??" Toni laughs and Zion joins her I look at Veronica and say "what did you expect?" I smirk a little and she just smiles as she hands it back to me. I took a few more puffs while Toni laughs hysterically at anything and everything, Veronica giggles at Toni and then looks at me and says "are you high yet? Because I think I wanna try again because that looks fun" she points at Toni still laughing. I give her the joint and she inhales a lot of smoke before puffing it all out, she coughs a little and hands it back to me.

15 or so minutes later Zion disappeared into the house searching for snacks, Toni layed her towel onto the concrete in the sun and laid down on it. Not looking up Toni asks "what's the deal with you two?" Veronica's cheeks turn red and says "nothing! Why would you ask that?" Toni chuckles and says "yeah sure. Lemme guess your 'straight' but have an exception for my friend Jess over there?" I mutter under my breath and say "that's the vibe I'm getting" Toni didn't hear me but Veronica did and she shoots me dagger eyes and I just put my hands in the air and stay quiet, Veronica says "well yes I'm straight but I don't have any intentions on being with Jess" Toni sat up when she heard Zion come outside and said to Veronica "we'll see about that... I give you 2 weeks to fall in love with miss heartthrob over there" Toni pats the spot next to her and tells Zion to sit there, he hands us a bag of chips and some other munchies before grabbing a towel and laying down next to Toni.

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