Chapter 7.

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Me and Veronica spent every second of everyday talking about our lives, I told her my biggest secrets and she told me hers but it sill felt like she wasn't telling me something. I was walking to school with Veronica when she suddenly stops and says "let's skip! I feel like doing something out of my comfort zone!" I stop and look at her surprised "your breaking all kinds of rules huh?" She chuckles and asks "what do you mean exactly?" I act like I'm thinking "let's see. First you kiss me in the pool. Then you smoke weed. Then you kiss me again which by the way I would've loved to see where we were going if your mom didn't show up" I wink with a smug smirk and continue "then you kiss me in PUBLIC IN FRONT OF YOUR MOM and now your skipping school? I'm starting to think I'm a bad influence on you" I smirk again and she replies with answers "I kissed you in the pool to kind of show you that I believed you when you said you and Toni are just friends after I saw her kissing Zion. I smoked weed because seeing Toni laugh like that made me wanna laugh like that. I kissed you at my house because I wanted to feel what it's like to REALLY kiss you and you took me by surprise when your hands touched my skins which just made me want more of you and 'by the way' I'm sure it would've gone just the way you imagine it would if my mom didn't show up. I kissed you at the hospital because I really didn't care what anyone thought at that time and you really put on a show by lifting me up like that" she smiles warmly. We begun walking the opposite direction of the school and as I take in her answers I smile coyly and say "what did your mom say when I left that next morning?" We sat on the park bench hands intertwined "she... She asked me if I did that just because I felt bad for you..." I meet her eyes "Did you?" Her eyes are wide with shock "No! I told her that too, I told her what kinda hold you have on me and that I can never control myself when your around me!" Her other hand is on my thigh "what did she say after that?" Veronica is quiet "she said that she supports me but then she started to cry. I thought I said something wrong but she just looked at me tears in her eyes and said 'God I'm so glad you weren't with me when I found her... She was covered in blood and had bruises almost everywhere... I hope you make her happy...' We both cried and that's the last we ever spoke of it" I think for a bit and then say "does that mean..." She looks at me questionably "That I'm your girlfriend?" I say, I look at her for an answer "are you asking me to be your official girlfriend?" "YES! YES THAT'S WHAT I'M IMPLYING!" She acts like she's thinking about it and says "well I'm gonna need some help consider-" I cut her off with a long kiss, she pulls away breathless "I... I think I need one more kiss to convince me" "oh just tell me already!" I laugh "yes it's obviously a yes stupid!" I pull her into a kiss before we head back to her place.

Her mom's at work once we get home "well GIRLFRIEND what shall we do with all this time on our hands" I blush a bit as I smirk "oh I think you know what we're doing" she winks, grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs to her room my heart skips a beat and I feel myself getting wetter by the minute. She closes the door behind her making sure she locks it before kissing me hard, I push my jacket off followed by my shoes and she does the same. We stop kissing briefly to take our shirts of our eyes not leaving each other's bodies. I take in her beautifully sculpted body taking in her curves and edges, I lick my lips before grabbing her waist and pinning it against mine she gasps on my lips and happily follows my lead. My hand explores her body examining every curve, she does the same her soft hands snaking up the back of my neck while her other hand finds my breast. We stop kissing again this time to take our pants and bras off. I stare at he gorgeous breasts, perfect size for my hands to cup them in full. I feel overly dressed even though I'm almost completely naked. My cast is the issue here I push the thought aside and pull her into a kiss again, we fall onto the bed, me cushioning her fall and she flies up as I sit up "what's wrong" I ask her she looks at me worried "are you okay? I didn't hurt you just then right?" I chuckle "no no I'm fine" I say putting my hand on her thigh pulling her closer to me, she takes her hands around my head pulling my head to her stomach and as I kiss her stomach she asks "is it ok if we... Wait till your other hand is healed?" I look up at her "yeah! No rush V. We can wait... I think it would be kinda weird if I can't use my right hand. Would you mind if we cuddle? Y'know naked?" She smiles looking down at me "you read my mind" we get under the covers as I put my hand on her waist pulling her closer to me once again. Her legs wrap around mine as she hugs my body with her arms, kissing me lightly on my collarbone as I kiss her forehead and make a circle with my finger on her shoulder.

We fell asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night with pearls of sweat all over my face, Veronica is still wrapped around me as if we haven't even moved. I untangle her limbs from mine and try to sit up just to be met with a horrible headache and blood dripping out of my nose. It's pitch dark and I sit on the side of the bed for a second, as I stand up to gather my clothes Veronica says "hey, you okay? Where you going?" I don't turn around "oh just a little headache" she puts on a spaghetti trap top and links her arm in mine "let me help- Jessie! Your fúcking nose is bleeding" she takes a towel from her closest and dabs it under my nose "Veronica please its not a big deal. I'll just go home and sleep the headache off" I head towards the door and suddenly loose my footing and stumble against the wall but I'm already slipping in and out of consciousness.

I wake up I'm in Veronica's bed and I just lay there trying not to move I cough a little and Veronica comes running through the door "Jessie baby! Are you okay? Don't lie to me this time!" This time? I didn't lie when I cushioned her fall. I must've just gotta the nose bleed because my head hurt "I'm fine V, honest." She darts back and forth chewing her nails "what if you have blood on your brain? What if you die??! I don't wanna lose your not now please don't leave me" "Veronica. Calm. Down. I'm fine I'm not going anywhere I PROMISE" she sighs heavily "ok..." She gives me a quick kiss and goes to the kitchen.

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