Chapter 8.

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5 weeks after I got attacked. I'm at home making mom pancakes for mothers day. someone begins pounding on the front door. I'm in combat mode getting a metal bat from behind my bedroom door and rush to the front door waiting for the door to break down. The keys rattle in the door and I try and hit the person with my one hand when Jk holds the bat in his hand "what the fúck?" He says grabbing the bat and setting it aside, Toni is close behind him and gives me a worried look "are you okay babe?" She says linking her arm through mine and she leads me to the living room setting me down "I didn't hear from you in weeks. I wasn't at school for awhile and when I called you, you didn't pick up so I went to Jk to hear if you've bought anything from him recently and he said no so we came to check up on you..." Toni points at my cast "what happened? Was it Gunner?" I shake my head "I don't think so, he and his goons did however take my boss with them in the middle of my shift" I tell them the whole story and Jk scoffs "if you could've told me sooner I maybe could've caught them. People come by selling stolen shit to Trevor and Maggie all the time" I shrug "too late now. Good news tho I get the cast removed in a week" Toni smiles "can we sign it?" I give her a sharpie and they both write they're initials along with some questionable art

After school, I'm going to a few stores in order to get a new job, I see my uncle at a grocery store and go up to talk to him "hey uncle Sam" I say walking up to him "I just wanted to say thank you for paying my hospital bill..." He looks at me confused "I didn't pay your hospital bill. I wanted to but I didn't because it was already paid, I assumed your mom payed it" "what? She doesn't have that kinda money!" We began walking towards his car "well whoever paid it must care for you." He gets in his car "Wanna ride home?" I nod and get in. It began drizzling "why did you walk home?" Sam says" "someone stole my bike when I was inside the dealership..." He turns to look at me a little puzzled "oh? I'll check the cameras and see if I can see the thiefs face" "doubt it'll do much but thanks." "How's school?" Sam asked "good as it can be I guess, are you in town for awhile or are you moving here?" Sam's silent for a minute and then speaks "well I'm staying at a motel near the dealership but I am thinking of moving here. Why do you ask?" "Just curious" I say and we drive the rest of the way in silence.

Friday morning Veronica told me her mom is gonna drop us off at school. I just finished packing my bag when I heard a knock on the door "it's open!" I yell from my bedroom. Veronica is waiting in the living room and her eyes are scanning the room "hey babe" I say planting a kiss on her cheek as she blushes a little "y'know this is the first time I'm seeing your house" I give her a confused look "oh? We HAVE been hanging out at your place mostly, but uh welcome to my humble abode" I curtsey and she laughs while interlocking her hand with mine "we're gonna make my mom late for work if we don't get going". As I'm getting into the car I say "good morning Ms Jameson!" She replies "hey hun you feeling ok?" I nod "yeah everythings good, your daughter has a superpower of making me feel better just by looking at her" we both chuckle as Veronica hides her face.

School day is over in a flash and Toni invited us to swim at Zion's place again. I'm sitting on one of the lounge chairs with Veronica on my lap "I feel bad that your not gonna be able to swim" she says giving me puppy dog eyes "it's fine! I promise. Just give me a show" I wink playfully, she looks at me with lust in her eyes and gracefully gets up. I lay back on the lounge chair as she starts swaying her body and getting dangerously close to me, I lift my hand to touch her but she slaps my hand away "no touching" I curse under my breath and reluctantly lower my hand. My eyes never leaving hers is making her blush and soon she cracks and pins me against the lounge chair "god you make it so hard to not touch you" she kisses me hard and just as we begin making out Toni and Zion clear they're throats and get into the pool. Toni chuckles and says "told you. 2 weeks". A few hours later we're all in Zion's living room watching a scary movie. Toni and Zion are on one end of the couch and me and Veronica on the other. " how you feeling?" Veronica says not moving her eyes from the TV "I'm good. You ok?" She perks up and says "hmmm well I haven't had a kiss for awhile and I'm feeling kinda dizzy because of that" I chuckle "come here" I lift her chin up and lower my face to hers, she had already closed her eyes but I don't kiss her, after a few seconds her face expression changed to annoyed and she opens her eyes "Hey what the hell!" She says, not responding I pull her into a deep kiss and we both part breathlessly. After the movie finished Zion pulled me aside while Toni and Veronica were talking about how crazy the movie was "you alright? Toni told me what happened but told me not to say anything when we're hanging out" "I'm good. Toni really should stop babying me like this" I roll my eyes and he chuckles "she really cares about you." I nod slightly and yawn, Zion notices this and says "you two need a lift home?" I shake my head "no need we'll just bike home" he scoffs "at night? Nope, not after what happened to you" he calls over Toni and Veronica "Jess says they're gonna bike home" Toni responds with a mom-like tone "nope nope nope! You two are staying right here, there's a guest room you can take, I'm sure Zion's parents won't mind" "my parents aren't home but I agree you should stay here, you can bike home tomorrow." Veronica looks at me with question "fine" I reluctantly say and everyone is happy. After showering I come out the bathroom to find Veronica in my dirty tee-shirt "you know I wore that shirt all day right? Smoked weed in it and stuff..." She smells the shirt and shrugs "smells like a mixture of your body spray and weed so it's not that bad" I scoff while getting into bed "suite yourself" Veronica gets in next to me and snuggles closer "this is nice, finally somewhere other than my bed or couch" I roll my eyes "don't lie you love it when we're lazy on your furniture together" she chuckles "I do and I wouldn't want it any other way. But a change of scenery is always nice" I kiss her forehead and we drift asleep.

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