Chapter 6.

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Its a Wednesday. I'm working at the gas station and I hear a car pull up. It's the same one that was at Jk's when mouse got shot. I'm freaking out but try to keep my cool when 2 mean goons come in. "Darling." One says walking to the 'employees only' door, the other one stands at the register where I am. He's pointing a gun at me. "Don't worry. We're not robbing you. We just want a little chat with your boss." His face is expressionless and he clearly has fake hair. I hear a commotion behind the door and it bursts open and my boss (Dave) stumbles out the door begging the goons "please don't take me! I have a family!" Dave continues begging on his knees. They drag him out into the SUV and storm off. "Should I finish my shift?" I say out loud. "He's probably dead so what do I do?" I say out loud again. I decide to do my calculations with the time I worked and I show it to the one and only camera and I take cash out the register and a few snacks and I lock up, get on my BMX and go to my uncles new store.

It was a long drive to his shop and I turn around back and put my bike against the wall and head out front. Uncle isn't at the front desk so I try to get the receptionist's attention but he seems to totally ignore me "yo. Hello. I'm talking over here" I wave my hand in front of his face he looks at me annoyed "listen kid. This isn't the place to hang out. You clearly don't have money to buy these care so will you just get out of here?!" He points at the door "no YOU listen here! I didn't come in here to buy a fúcking car! I came here to talk to my uncle." "Uncle Sam! UNCLE SAM!" I start yelling out loud. The receptionist is furious and he got out from his chair and started to push me out the door "DON'T TOUCH ME" I yell and I punch him square in the face. He falls to the ground clutching his face "WHAT THE FUCK!?" He yells and by now half the sales crew stood around and then I saw my uncle.

He takes me to his office gets an ice pack from his freezer and puts it on my wrist and he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose while looking out the big window behind his desk. "You always get into trouble when I'm around huh" I sit in the customer chair "heh I guess so" he slams his fist on his table "This is not a fúcking joke Jordan!" I look at my lap, no one ever calls me Jordan... Except for my dad. "You broke his nose!" I look up to him "yeah well maybe if he didn't FÚCKING TOUCH ME HE WOULDN'T HAVE A BROKEN NOSE!" I get up walking to the door opening it and before I went outside I told him "Gunner is looking for you. He shot Mouse because you didn't stop by as soon as you came into town." I slam the door shut and go around the back where I left my bike just to see that it was stolen.

I'm walking home and it's getting dark. It's a terrible street I'm walking on. Always hearing about people getting high jacked, kidnapped etc. I try staying as close to the edge as possible so I can be a little more out of site. Cars are speeding up and down the road. I can barely see where I'm stepping and I trip over a rock I pull my hands out to block my fall but my left hand slips and I fall flat on my chest. I'm trying to catch my breath while I still lay on the cold pavement, I turn on my back and see 3 people walking toward me and I just pray to the God I don't even believe in that they just walk past. They don't. Instead they're yelling at me to empty my pockets, I'm still recovering from my fall so I'm slow to empty my pockets "I SAID EMPTY YOUR FÚCKING POCKETS!" I feel a blow to my body and I cry out in pain. One of them is on me ripping my clothes to get everything out of my pockets. I see another hit coming and I block with my arms feeling the bones crack within my right forearm, before I can look again I feel another hit this time on my stomach and then nothing. It's silent, I assume they ran away. I taste metal in my mouth and I spit a bit onto the pavement. My ears are ringing but I can see a blurry set of lights coming to a stop. I hear a familiar voice but don't have the power to sit up and see who it is. I'm dragged across the cold pavement and hurled into the backseat where I pass out.

I wake up in the hospital with Veronica clutching my left hand her eyes red with tears. I slightly lift my head up but it hurts to much so instead I weakly say "hi gorgeous" and then cough a little, Veronica's eyes brighten up and says "stay right there I'm getting a doctor" but before she goes I clutch her hand "no kiss?" She smiles and looks around and places quick peck on my lips, it surprisingly hurts but it's worth it.

I wake up not remembering that I passed out again. My uncle is in front of my bed reading my file and surprisingly I see my mom too, she's in the corner looking worried. "Hey ma" she stands up and comes to me "hey kid... You going to be okay?" I hear tears "yeah... I'm a fighter" I smile weekly. Uncle Sam speaks to a doctor in the hall and comes back into the room "you've been discharged but you have to come back in 6 weeks to get x-rays to see if it healed correctly" he gestures to my arm and he walks away without saying anything else. I struggle to sit up right and say to mom "what's the bill? I have some money from work-" I reach for my wallet just to remember they took everything "oh... Never mind. I'll make a plan to get some money..." She shows me the bill and it says someone paid for everything I assume it was Uncle Sam. "$1346?! Jesus did they give me cocaine?!" Mom chuckles "no but that girl insisted on giving you morphine because you were in terrible pain" "where is she?" I ask urgently "they said only family is allowed so she and Alice are waiting in the wait room" "but she was here earlier... Ms Jameson? What's she doing here?" Mom looks at me a bit confused "she brought you here?" She says. I stand up and search for the wait room. Mom points me in the direction as she gathers my stuff. I feel a tear rolling down my cheek as I hurry to th waiting room in a hurry my whole body in pain. When I get there I spot that beautiful girl, tears streaming down her eyes as she shakes a little. I burst into tears at the sight of her crying and when she sees me she quickly stands up and runs toward me slowing down to embrace me. We hug for long it feels like we're standing there in each other's arms for hours and it feels like all my stress and worries melt away. I pull apart and with my left hand I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, she leans in to kiss me but I stop and point at her mom and she just says "I don't care about that right now. " and she kisses me soft but hungry like that day in the pool, I put my arm around her waist tightly lifting her up so she can wrap her legs around my waist. She does and I hold her tightly kissing her neck while she giggles.

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