Chapter 5.

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I woke up early in Veronica's bed. Knowing we didn't do anything but I felt like I committed a crime. Her whole body is tangled in mine, her legs wrapped around me as tight as a snake killing it's prey and her arms holding my body close. The smell of her sweet perfume is faint but still intoxicating. I decided to stay like that even if it's just for a couple minutes.

Ms Jameson yells from downstairs "Veronica! Your gonna be late for school!" Veronica opens her eyes a bit confused, I look at her sleepy face and say "hi gorgeous. You sleep well?" I smirk as she untangles from me and darts up "did we..?" She looks embarrassed not remembering much from last night I sit on the edge of the bed rubbing my temples "no no. Believe me you'd remember that" I wink "you just fell asleep in my arms and in your sleep decided to wrap your legs around my waist like a snake" I chuckle as she digs through her closet looking for an outfit "ok. Does my mom know you slept here?" I walk towards the door "I don't think so, I can sneak out the window if you want?" She looks at me annoyed "how many times have you sneaked out of people's houses??" I laugh "not much but considering your not 'out' to your mom and I look like a thug I thought you'd be embarrassed" she's headed towards the door as well putting her hand on the doorknob and standing so close to me that I'm not sure what to do "I'm not embarrassed" she says "and you won't have to be sneaking around here anytime soon" she kisses my cheek and heads to the bathroom "just go eat some breakfast and make something up about why you stayed here" she says as she disappears into the bathroom.

I head downstairs making my presence known so I don't startle Ms Jameson. "Hey Ms Jameson!" I say cheerfully, she turns around and looks at me surprised "Oh! Hi Jess, I didn't know you slept over." I sit at the kitchen island "yeah I was pretty tired and didn't notice I fell asleep on Veronica's couch" she grabs another bowl and asks "you want some cereal hun? You can't go to school on an empty stomach." I nod in appreciation as I hear the upstairs bathroom opening and what I assume is Veronica's bedroom door close. We finish breakfast and head to school.

On our way to school I remember why I went to Jk's place and realized that I didn't get any weed. I slow down and so does Veronica, Veronica turns her head and looks at me confused "what's wrong? Do you have a headache because I can bike home with you" I shake my head "no it's just I forgot to pick something up before I came to yours yesterday" she turns her bike around "well let's go get it." I sigh and say "I can go on my own okay? I don't want you to be seen in such a place..." Veronica says "well I'm not leaving you alone until your head is fully healed. So either I go with you or you don't go at all" her tone is strict and it's kinda turning me on. I turn my bike around and say "ok... Follow me and stay close".

We turn into Jk's street and the smell of pot and burning wires is in the air while you can hear loud music being played. We turn up in front of Jk's apartment and I get off while yelling " Jk! Open up its me!" Jk comes out the apartment and opens the gate small enough so only I can enter, while he closes the gate I say "what're you doing? Open it for her she's with me" he's pissed and says "Jess for fúcks sake man, this isnt a playground. And what the fúck is she gonna buy? Because I don't sell Stanley Cups or clothes" he complains as he opens the gate "relax I won't be long. I forgot to pick something up yesterday" we're at the top of the stairs the door flies open and Mouse steps out "did I hear Jess fúcking Kennedy???" Mouse yells ushering me into a hug "hey Mouse! How are you? The arm feeling better?" "Yeah yeah I'm cool I'm doing good y'know just going on with life" I step aside to introduce Mouse and Jk formally to Veronica who's behind me like she's my shadow "Mouse, Jk this is Veronica my... Friend." She waves hi and we all go inside.

I sit on the couch and Veronica sits next to me and Jk comes out with two zip lock bags "so what you looking for? Weed? Cocaine?" He shakes the bags and throw them on the coffee table. Veronica sits up straight and looks over to me "wait this is a DRUG deal? What the fúck, Jess you brought me to buy drugs??" I look at her surprised "I told you I'd come alone but you refused" she's standing up and heading towards the door "you didn't tell me your were buying drugs!" She's at the door and tries to open the door but its locked. I stand up and go towards her "look I'm just buying some weed for Toni ok? That's it I promise." She folds her arms an says "hurry up." I give the cash to Jk, take the joints and we're off to school for the second time today.

When we got to school it was already lunch so we found Toni and sat with her. "Toni." I say slipping the bag into her jackets pocket once it's in her jacket she jumps up gives me a hug and then goes over to give Veronica a hug as well, Veronica is surprised but smiles as she hugs her back "so where were you two? Had sex in the woods? Rob a bank?" She chuckles looking at us for an answer "Veronica refused to let me go to Jk's alone" I say "ohhh Jk huh he's quite the character" Veronica nods in agreement and I can't help but think she's being quiet. Toni starts talking to her other friends and turn to Veronica "you ok? Your awfully quiet". "more like lawfully quiet" she mutters under her breath. I'm now annoyed and I drag her to the bathroom "look I know you didn't sign up to go to Jk but I had to get Toni's joints or she'll go ballistic" she nods in understanding and says "yesh well sorry I wasn't prepared to go to a future crime scene" she says with an attitude. "Look you don't have to like drugs but don't forget you were smoking weed Saturday. I got that weed from Jk. I don't have my own plants if that's what you thought" I tell her before leaving for my next class.

Was I to hard on her? Maybe I was a little to hard on her...

School day ends and me and Veronica meet at the bike lockers and I say with a sigh "I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so rude about everything" she nods "I understand. Just wish you put yourself in my shoes first." She says biking away

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