Chapter 9.

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Monday morning Veronica's mom is taking us to the hospital so I can get my cast removed. "Are you excited?" Asks Alice "yeah, can't wait to use my fingers again." I chuckle and look over to Veronica who's blushing profusely. We stop at the hospital and as we're walking in Alice's phone rings "excuse me girls, it's work can you do it by yourselves?" "Sure mom" Veronica says and link her arm through mine "lets get this cast off of my hand" Veronica says patting the cast " YOUR hand? How can my hand be yours?" I say confused "well..." She bites her lip slightly "considering it's gonna be inside of me soon I better claim it" she says with a cocky smile and leaving me speechless.

After waiting way too long the doctor finally calls me for an x-ray he sends us to get the cast removed after he seems pleased with how it healed "I've been meaning to ask" I begin talking to Veronica as I sit in the chair and rest my right arm on the table "did your mom pay my hospital bill?" Veronica is quiet and slowly nods "why!? I could've handled it. My uncle was going to pay for everything" I say in a tone a little too loud "well we didn't know about your uncle and based off of the things you told me your mom sure as hell wasn't gonna pay." I stare at the ceiling as the nurse comes in "hey hun, this'll be over in a jiffy" she says grabbing a small electric saw and when Veronica saw that she instantly began panicking "you can't use that! You'll cut her arm!" I smirk "you really want my hand huh" she slaps my shoulder "shush you-" the nurse ignores us talking and begins sawing the cast "No! Use something else you can't use that!" I grab her arm as she reaches for the electric saw "stop it, calm down babe. If it was made to hurt people do you really think I would've told you to come with me?" She sighs and worridly looks at the saw, as the nurse finishes up she says "that wasn't so bad now was it?" She looks at Veronica amused and she leaves. "Well" I say moving my arm and fingers for the doctor to inspect "any pain?" "No just feels weird" he writes on his notepad "well that's supposed to happen" he chuckles "everything seems fine, just a little swelling but nothing to be worried about, you can go back to your normal life just don't go straight to the gym" he chuckles "I suggest you take it easy because the bone and joints are healed but too much weight on your wrist can cause pain and swelling." He gets up from his chair "alrighty girls, you two can go now, just give the paperwork to the person at the desk" he nods and heads out "well what do you think of your hand?" I move it around while twisting my wrist and wiggling my fingers "I'm gonna be honest babe... It's pretty pale..." I stare at her in disbelief "well yeah it hasn't seen the sun in 6 weeks!" She laughs "I know I know, now come on my mom is waiting"

It's already dark when we're on our way home and Veronica is playing with my newly healed hand when Ms Jameson says "Veronica, the people at work told me I needed to be in LionsBay, it's a few towns over so I'll have to go now but I already put some you some money in your account for dinner till Sunday, I was hoping you could stay with her Jess." "Ok that's fine mom" Veronica says "sure Ms Jameson, I'll stay with her, make sure she doesn't burn the house down" I chuckle "cmon it was just that one time that I burnt the popcorn!" Alice and I chuckle

Me and Veronica were home alone, after we had dinner Veronica came and sat next to me on the couch with bowls of ice cream "dessert madam" I eye the ice cream that's topped with chocolate drizzle and a mint leaf "fancy" I say taking the bowl making sure my hand lingers on hers. After just a couple bites I decide to 'accidentally' spill some on her shoulder "oops" I say "better clean that up" I lean down and slowly lick the sweet ice cream off her soft skin, she looks at me with lust burning in her eyes "your playing a dangerous game Kennedy" the strictness in her voice sends a jolt through my body and I slowly tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and I lean in and whisper "dangerous is my middle name" in a split second Veronica pulls me close and hungrily kisses me, my hands roam her body tugging at the clothes keeping me from feeling her skin. Veronica jumps up "my room now" her voice is strict and I can't help but love it "so bossy" I say hurrying up the stairs. Once the door is closed and locked we instantly crash together kissing and touching everywhere "I'm feeling a bit dressed, don't you think?" Veronica says breathlessly and I give her a nod in agreement never moving my eyes from her body, she sees where my eyes roam and teases me by slowly getting undressed "you want some help?" I say "no... I can handle it" she says continuing to undress slowly, I lose my patience and I reach to help her undress, she slaps me playfully and says "I can go faster if you lose your clothes" she smirks and winks, complying I quickly start to undress and I'm happy to see she quickly does too. Once we're left with only our underwear we crash onto the bed and we share a kiss and I playfully bite her lower lip and then lightly kissing the corner of her mouth, jaw, neck and finally her shoulder she gasps as I bite her shoulder softly. I reach for her back unclipping her bra and letting it slowly fall into her lap "fúck me..." I say staring at her bare body "I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you like this" she bites her lip "Jess... I want-- no I NEED you" my hands travel down her body from the curve of her breasts to the  edge of her panties my eyes never leaving hers. As I dip my finger into her panties her head rolls back followed by soft moans, I whip my hand out of her panties and bring my hand to my mouth "your so wet... Can it be for little ol' me?" I lick my fingertip while Veronica's eyes are burning into mine, I slowly slide my hand into her panties once more and quickly find her button, picking up a pace as Veronica is clawing my arm. As I feel her body tensing I stop, surprised she looks at me "Jess?..." I lower my head and slowly pull off her wet panties, as I lick her core Veronica threads her fingers in my hair, I enter her with one hand as the other hand rests on her thigh keeping her steady, she gasps and bucks inviting me to continue I slip in another finger as she moans louder and as we pick up a rhythm I can feel she's reaching the edge and I lift my head for a second "Come for me Veronica" on command she comes all over my hand as she lays back in exhaustion I quickly clean up the mess we made and lay down next to her "that... Was amazing" Veronica says breathlessly as I kiss her shoulder and fall asleep once again intertwined.

The end.

I've spent days writing this book and I have a serious case of writers block so if I'm one day able to come up with more stuff to continue Jess and Veronica's story I certainly will. Hope you all enjoyed!

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