Chapter 4.

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We all went home super late so I was exhausted after all the swimming so I passed out on the couch. I woke up to my phone buzzing with new texts and just as I picked it up Toni called I picked up and said "whaaattt?" Toni replied with a sleepy tone "can you hook me up with some more pot? Pppllleeeaaasssseeee?" I can see her puppy dog eyes already "sure but it's gonna cost you! I can't keep buying you weed and not get any compensation" she replies cheerfully "YES! thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. And I'll bring some cash Monday, ok bye!" She blows kisses as I hang up.

I'm on my way to Jk when I see a tinted SUV across Jk's place. I carefully bike toward the gate and see some people talking at the stairs. I decide to stop close but not to close and wait till they go but they seem to be taking forever. I hear a gunshot and my heart sinks and I'm thinking the worst. I quickly hide and peek to check if the SUV had left just to see some sketchy people ushering a man in a suit into the SUV before storming off. When I'm sure they left I run to the gate and fly up the stairs to check on Jk when I walk into the front door I'm greeted by the strong scent of bloody metal and gunpowder. I look around trying to find a body when someone tackles me to the ground, my head hits the floor hard and I passed out.

I wake up my head pounding and I see a shadowy figure tower over me. I come back to reality and I fling up looking at the shadowy figure and I saw Jk. "Jesus Christ Jk you scared me!" He looks at me panicked "are you okay Jess?!" I shake my head "yeah just a massive headache" he goes to the kitchen and I looks around trying to find something, anything to explain the bloody metal smell from earlier. Jk comes back a few seconds later with a glass of water and a painkiller I swallow the pill and look up at Jk "well? Who got shot? Are they dead? Where's the body?" He looks at me now annoyed "no one got shot, no ones dead." I look at him furious "I fúcking HEARD the gunshot, I smelt the blood and gunpowder don't bullshit me!" He turns down to a hallway telling me I should follow him, he opens the door and stands aside. The room smelled like a hospital and I saw Mouse sleeping on a bed with his upper arm bandaged up I rush to his side taking his hand in mine "is he gonna be okay? How deep was the bullet? Why did they shoot him?" Jk leans against the doorframe "Jesus Jessie one question at a time. he's aight I'm practically a doctor with how many times I've taken care of cuts and bruises" I chuckle feeling relieved "the bullet wasn't that deep considering they shot him when he was already at the door when it happened. And they shot him because..." I look at him scared of what he's about to tell me "because we couldn't meet his goal for the money and because Mouse refused to move to another town to bring in a new source of money. They're also mad because your Uncle hasn't stopped by since he got in town" I sit in the living room again puzzled by what Jk just told me "why would he want my uncle? He's in town but he's pretty busy with that new store he opened" Jk lights a joint and hands it to me, I take it and take a big puff "yeah your uncle always goes to Gunner when he's in town, I'm not sure what he does but it seems important." Gunner I think to myself guess that's his name because he's not afraid to shoot people.

While I was biking home I saw Veronica outside on her bike I assumed she just got back from somewhere. I decide to stop and say hello.

When I approached her she turned around and she looked like she just saw a ghost "woah what's wrong?" I ask and she points to my head and says "your bleeding! A lot!" She throws her bike on the ground, takes my hand and rushes me inside. She tells me to sit on the toilet while she searches for medical supplies and I say "calm down V! It's not that big of a deal! I'll be fine." She continues to search for stuff and says "I don't care! That's gonna get infected if I don't cover it" she seems pleased with what she got and pushes everything in my lap while she cleans the wound on my forehead. "Ouch!" I yell as she pats the cloth that's soaked with disinfectants in the cut "shhh, stop moving and it'll be over soon." She stands closer to me and I can feel her body heat hovering over me, I can smell her sweet perfume as well. She puts a little healing cream on the wound and closes it with a band-aid.

Now very aware of how close we are she looks into my eyes, peering into my soul when she pulls me in for a deep kiss. I grab her waist pulling her closer towards me. My hands wander her body aching to touch her skin I gently lift her shirt to feel her skin, she gasps against my mouth arching her back inviting me to touch her more. I stood up wanting to go anywhere more comfortable and while kissing me she pushes me on the couch and climbs onto my lap kissing me. Her hands tangle in my hair and my hands softly rub her perfect ass moaning against my mouth when I squeeze harder.

We hear a car pull up "Fúck!" She yells "my mom's home" she quickly jumps off my lap straightening her clothes and hair and I tell her "well that was fun while it lasted... Where do you want me? The closest? The pantry?" I look at her with a smirk and she runs to the bathroom and says "just stay right there and act like your a friend from school" I reluctantly straighten my hair and clothes as Veronica fixes her makeup. The door from the garage opens and Veronica's mom struggles down the hall with bags of groceries. I dart up and go to help her and she looks at me confused "uh hi? I'm hoping your a friend of Veronica's?" I nod yes and Veronica comes out the bathroom and says "hey mom! Sorry I saw Jess riding by and told her she can hang out a bit, is that ok?" Her mom waves her off "yeah that's fine. Nice to meet you Jess I'm Veronica's mom Alice Jameson" she holds out her hand and I shake it and say "Nice to meet you Mrs Jameson, I'm Jessie Jordan Kennedy" she starts unpacking the bags and says "Why don't you two go and hang out in your room Veronica?" Veronica takes my hand and drags me upstairs to her room. She locks the door and sinks to the floor in front of her bed, I looks at her questionably "what are you doing?" She looks up at me "what do you mean?" I give her an annoyed look and say "well first you kiss me at the pool and now this? I thought your straight and weren't interested in me?" She sighs and buries her head into her hands "I don't know what I'm doing... It's like you have this powerful hold on me and I just can't resist. I've never felt like this towards a girl before and I'm more confused than I've ever been before" she's on the brink of tears and I sit next to her and rub her back "it's ok... You'll be fine and I'm sure you'll figure out whatever your going through. Just know I'm here if you want to just vent or sit in silence or cry on my shoulder." I pull her into a hug and she happily accepts the hug.

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