Chapter 4

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Warning: spoilers from Jjk S2 ep 1,2

"Frankly, I think this mission is too demanding for you three." Principal Yaga said. Me, Gojo and Geto were walking behind him. He said the three of us were needed in this mission.

I watched Gojo and Geto roll their eyes when principal said the word 'demanding'. It must've hurt their ego.

"But Master Tengen named you three."


"This mission has two parts. Star Plasma Vessel, the suitable vessel for Master Tengen. You will guard the girl..." he stopped for a moment, "and get rid of her."

"Eh!? We have to protect her and get rid of her?" Gojo exclaimed. Honestly, me and Geto were thinking the same thing.

"Yes, Master Tengen and The Star Plasma Vessel will merge under the full moon in two days. Before that day, you must protect that girl and bring her to Master Tengen. If the mission fails, it may even affect the general public."

"I see." Geto arched his eyebrows.

Yaga sensei then explained why Master Tengen needed a star plasma vessel. Geto explained in his own words, if Master Tengen didn't get a star plasma vessel every 500 years, in the worst case scenario he could be a threat to humanity. Gojo explained with digimons, unserious as fuck.

"The girl's location has been leaked. You have to go there and get the girl. Fast."

"Is there someone specific we're protecting the girl from?" I asked.

"Yes, there are two groups targeting the girl," Yaga sensei continued, "One is curse user group Q, who seeks to upend jujutsu society with Tengen-sama's rampage. Other is the Star Religious group, also known as the Time Vessel Organisation, who worships Tengen-sama as a god."

"I see," I nodded along with Geto and Gojo.

"Now you have to go and get the girl before anyone else does."

"Yes sir."


We reached the location within half an hour. Everything seemed normal there. I was with Geto, who was keeping touch with Gojo through his phone. My eyes were wandering everywhere in search of curse users.

We entered the elevator of the building. I couldn't hear what Gojo was saying from the other side of the phone but I guess he was being the narcissist he is because Geto made a disgusted face and said, "You know Satoru, maybe you should not be so full of yourself all the time." Damn, maybe he was the only person who told him that. Did I ever said that to him? I definitely should.  The elevator stopped and a 'ding' sound was heard before the door opened.

"Especially when you're addressing your superiors," Geto continued while getting out of the elevator, "we might end up meeting with Tengen-sama you know." I snickered, finally someone putting some senses into that bonehead.

We were now stood in front of the door of the apartment the Star Plasma Vessel lived in. Geto was still on phone. My eyes widened. Explosion. Within a second me and Geto were wrapped in a ball. It was Geto's curse.

"Are you okay?" Geto asked. "Yeah." I huffed.

"Do you think we will be blamed if the brat died from that?" Gojo must've heard the explosion, he was talking more loudly that I could hear him. My eyes wandered to the falling figure. Oh shit.

Thankfully Geto saved the girl with his curse while I ran to the girl's apartment where a man was standing. He was mumbling something from which I could hear the words "hate" "tengen". Group Q.

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