Chapter 7

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"Let's go home, Riko-chan," he says softly as he holds out his hand.

Riko stares at him, unable to stop the tears spilling down her cheeks. A faint smile forms on her lips. "Yeah!"



I get out of the taxi giggling at a joke Riko said. This girl's making it hard to believe that she's going to merge with Tengen-sama in a few hours.

We were about 15 metres away from Jujutsu high's barrier when I realised I left my phone in the taxi. Shit.

"Y'all go ahead I'mma be right back," I quickly say.

"What happened?" Satoru looks at me, His dark circle clearly visible by now.

"I left my phone in the taxi."

"Are you sure the taxi didn't leave?" Geto raises an eyebrow.

"No worries, I'll catch up to it." I grin. I can't lose my phone, it has all of Okinawa's photos. The taxi couldn't have gotten far.

"Oh, okay," Geto says, remebering my speed.

I begin to run back to the roadside. I don't speed up yet, just jogging.


Something felt wrong..

I feel like someone ran past me, towards Jujutsu high. But how? I didn't see anyone, just felt someone's presence for less than a millisecond?

My legs stop moving. A voice inside my brain screaming, Go back, something's wrong.

Trust your intuition.

I turn around and gather every bit of strength I can and start running.

I see the gate but no one's there. A sense of relief starts crawling into my heart but before it could completely set it's foot—it's gone.

The air smells like blood.

No way..

He can't be..

He can't, right...?

Gojo Satoru's lifeless body was laying in front of me. His blood every where. His eyes open. He isn't moving an inch.

"H-hey," I stutter, walking over to him.

"This isn't funny– I'm not having fun– Satoru!" I gasp, tears spilling from my eyes. My shaky hands manage to touch his shoulders, getting soaked by blood. I shake him, as if it could wake him up.

"Satoru!" I cry.

And I cry. Unable to say anything. I scream, I cry, cry and cry. My vision blurry when some people come and take his body and some helps me get up. I follow where they're taking him. They place him on a bed.

I stand beside the bed. Silently staring at him. My hands grip his tightly.

"I can't lose you, too." I whisper.


Flashback (narration)

Riko screams, "watch out!" as Toji's blade pierces through Gojo Satoru. Gojo had turned off his infinity as soon as he entered Jujutsu high. If he sensed Toji, he would've turned it back on. But it took Toji a few milliseconds to stab Gojo.

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