Chapter 9

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"What did you talk about with Suguru~? Why don't you tell me!" The whitehead whined. He's been whining for the past thirty minutes. Not only that, he entered my room without getting my permission and has been annoying me since.

"I'm not going to tell you! And for the last time, please leave! I need to sleep." I say while dragging him to the door. He halts. Ugh. "What will you take to leave?" I ask.

"I don't wanna leave~~" He walks to my bed and jumps on it.

"Hey! Get out of my bed!" I say as I grab his leg and drag him out of the bed. He makes a pouty face and sits on the desk while I make myself comfortable on my bed.

"I'm too tired to deal with you, so please leave before I chop your dick with my Katana." I say, my eyes desperate for sleep.

I have no idea what changed his mind but he gets up and starts walking towards the door. Maybe he's scared to lose his dick. I remember him saying 'goodnight' before I went into a deep sleep.


Hm, something's different. Well it sure feels cozy to sleep in someone's embrace.


My eyes shoot open to see a blue pair of eyes staring into my soul. No words leave my lips. I'm dreaming right now.

Am I?

Of course it's a dream. I saw Satoru leave last night. Though he is a pervert but he wouldn't get into my bed right?

It's definitely a dream.

Since it's just a dream...

I rest my hand on the sheet in between us and slowly move closer to him until our faces are inches away from each other. His eyes never left mine. I trace his face with my fingers. He lets out a shaky breath.

Why do I wanna kiss him? Well, it's just a dream, right? I'm gonna forget about it when I wake up..

I close my eyes and slowly close the gap between our lips. His lips are soft and moist. He kisses me back almost immediately. We part our lips after a few seconds. His lips curl into a smile and he whispers, "Sweet."

I couldn't help but smile.


Y/N gets up faster than lightning after remembering the dream she had. Though she can't say it didn't feel amazing to dream that, it's just that it wasn't as amusing after waking up.
I mean, why would she even dream of Satoru let alone a dream like that? She definitely doesn't like him like that. Nor does Satoru like her like that.

The dark haired girl somehow manages to freshen up and head to the kitchen, hoping she doesn't run into Satoru. Because if she does, she can't keep a straight face for sure.

But fate had something different in plan. Just as soon as she steps into the kitchen, she's welcomed by a certain white haired guy who's eating cereal.

"Ohayo~ did you sleep cutely?" Gojo asks when his eyes catch her.

A blush creeps on Y/N's face and she quickly says, "Who sleeps cutely? By that if you meant my sleep was alright or not, it was fine. Thanks for asking."

"My sleep was fine too." He answers without being asked.

"W-when did you leave last night?" Y/N asks without thinking much.

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