Bad News

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    "Does she know yet?" Henry asked, as he looked at his brother. Carter shook his head. "I don't think so." He sighed. "Does she know about, us?" Henry raised and eyebrow. "No." Carter told him flatly. "We need to tell her." Henry insisted. "We should wait. I don't think she's ready to know yet." Carter couldn't bear the thought of crushing his little sister's heart. "Carter, the longer you put if off for, the harder it will be to tell her." Henry wisely counseled. Carter shook his head. "You're right, man. I'll do it today." Carter could feel tears beginning to form in his eyes, at the thought of hurting his precious little girl. "I'll go with you." Henry placed a calm, confident hand on Carter's shoulder. "Alright, let's do it."

    Violet sat on the floor playing with her toy ponies. Her imagination brought the little plastic animals to life, as the strong cowgirl galloped through the Wild West riding her mighty steed. "Vi, you in here?" She turned to look at the door to see Carter peeking in. "Yeah!" She called back, before getting up and rushing to the door. "Hey, peanut." Henry said, trying to hide his dread behind a cheery persona. "Can we talk with you for minute?" Carter asked, scooping up the small child. "Yep!" She replied with a grin. Carter felt a spear rocket through his heart, as the little child looked up at him with a blissful glee. Carter sighed, before sitting on the bed, Henry joining him at his side. Carter didn't know where to begin. "Violet, we wanted to talk to you about something." Henry began. "About what?" Violet's demeanor started to shift from the happy girl she usually is. "Your-" Carter choked on the words. "Do you remember anything about the car accident?" He managed to say it. Violet started shaking in his hands, only making the deed harder. "Yea- yeah. I remember Mama got hurt really bad and some people in an ambulance took her away." Violet started to tear up. Carter looked to Henry for help. "Sweetie. Your mama was hurt very bad by the accident and-" Henry couldn't say it. "Your mama is... D- dead." Carter could feel his eyes tearing up as the words escaped his lips. "N- no, th- that's not true!" Violet denied it. The magic in her eyes faded as her whole world was crumbling around her. "WHY!?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, before burying her face into his chest and sobbing. "I know, baby. I know." Carter could feel tears streaming down his cheeks. He glanced to Henry for some form of comfort. Henry's eyes were red, and puffy. He was holding it back for her sake. Carter held the crying child tight in his chest. "I know, baby. I know."

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