Guilty Spark

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    William sat Violet on the floor, before hopping up onto his bed. "Combat Evolved, right?" Glen asked. "Yep." William affirmed. "Which level was it? Uh..." Glen thought for a second. "Guilty Spark." Will told him. "Ah yes. I'm excited to play this one." Glen said, as he selected the level. Violet was excited. The curtains were shut and the bedroom was completely dark, except the light of the screen. The level started with a bunch of little monsters running through a foggy swamp as a lady talking over the radio. Violet giggled a little bit, those monsters were funny looking. William and Glen's characters jumped out of an airplane and landed in a shallow lake. Getting a closer look, Violet thought this place was kind of scary, but she wanted to look cool for her brothers. "Come on." Will said, as he walked through the dark swamps. The little monsters were running around flailing their arms in the air.

*Bam! Bam! Bam!*

    Three shots from Glen's pistol put them down quickly. "Ok, now over here, there should be a fallen tree. Mmm, ok. Now follow me across." Will instructed Glen. Violet watched with excitement as her brothers navigated the harsh terrain. As they walked along, Violet swore she could see something darting through the fog up ahead. Ok, now she was starting to get a little scared. She felt her fears slightly subside, as a few more of those silly monsters came running out of a building waving their arms wildly.

*Bam! Bam!
*Bam! Bam! Bam!*

    Both her brothers began to fire at the incoming enemies, dropping all of them with ease. "Ok, now we go down into the bunker." William instructed, as his brother followed behind. They got onto an elevator, before Will hit the button and they descended deeper into the dark facility...

    Violet held her breath, as William and Glen searched the facility. William expertly turned this way and that, seemly having the layout memorized, as Glen followed closely behind.

*Bam! Bam!*

    Her brothers didn't shoot, did they?

*Bam! Bam!*

    Glen walked through an open door to be met by gunfire. "Get away from me! Aggh!" The crazed man shouted in an insane terror, as he continued to fire. "Sheesh, calm down bro." Glen seemed calm as ever. William sighed, before walking up to the poor man and shooting him in the head. Violet gasped slightly at the unnecessary display of violence, but her brothers didn't seem to notice. "Mmmkkk..." William said nonchalantly. "Come over here, Glen." He ordered, before hopping up onto a crate and climbing up to a catwalk. Glen followed suite, following his brother. The duo bravely walked through an open door, before making their way across a bridge seemly made from light. The approach a locked door when...

    A cutscene started to play. The armored green man her brothers were playing as walked up to the door. A wet slap caused him to spin around, pointing his gun at


    More than a little shaken up, the armored man turned his attention back to the door, as he attempted to open it.

*Click, click*

    The door slid open, as a deceased body limply fell into the man's arms. Violet was starting to shake a little bit. This was getting too scary for her liking. The armored man drug the corpse into the room, before retrieving something from his helmet and plugging it into his own.

    "Why do we have to listen to this old stuff, sarge?" One of the soldiers complained. "Watch your mouth, marine! This 'stuff' is your history!" The sergeant shouted at the men. "If the covenant want to wipe out this particular part of my history, that's fine by me!" Another of the Marines retorted, smartly. "Maybe ask them next time you see them. I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige." The Sargeant fired back with a tone of annoyance in his voice. The plane landed in the same swamp her brothers were dropped in. "Alright, Marines, go go go! The corps ain't paying us by the hour!" The sergeant's comedy was slightly alleviating some of Violet's fears. She watched intently as the squad navigated the same, dull gray facility that her brothers has just been through. Soon they found themselves trying to hack the same door her brothers and just entered into. "Looks like the covenant worked pretty hard to lock this one down, Sarge." The technician told the squad leader. "Just get it open, Mendoza." The door flashed green, as the men entered the room. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Another of the men complained. "Boy, you've always got a bad feeling about something!" The Sargeant yelled. "What's going on?" Even Glen seemed uncertain. "Just wait and see." William had a look of mischievous excitement on his face. A voice crackled over the radio. "We've got contacts! Too many of them! Th- their not covenant! Ahhh!" The voice cut out. "Mendoza, would you get up there and find out what the hell is-" "Sarge! Listen..." One of the Marines interrupted his squad leader. A wet slither echoed through the dark room. Just then, a horde of small, fleshy creatures burst out of one of the walls and charged the team overtaking them...

    The armored man steadied his rifle, as his brothers regained control.


    Violet covered her eyes, as something banged on one of the doors.


    "Woah!" Glen shouted in surprise. Violet peeked between her fingers, as another swarm of the flesh creatures raced towards her brothers. She yelped, and covered her face again. A small trickle of tears dripped down her face, as she was terrified by what she saw. "Woah, this is so cool!" Glen and William were too excited to notice their sister's fear.

*Bam! Bam! Bam!*

    Violet tried to plug her ears to keep out the gunfire and gutteral screeching of the monsters. Glen fired an assault rifle at his enemies, but they kept on coming. It was too much for Violet, she sprinted out of the room, crying in fear. Will and Glen looked at each other, before pausing the game to help their crying sister.

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